Suit Up

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"Well, I don't think we are ready to take on the camp," Nanaba paused for a moment, "however, with our groups combined I think we should still try. There's no saying if we will ever get a chance like this again. Freeing a camp would be a big win for all of us. There's no telling how much information we could get, let alone the people we could free. However, I will say if things get too dangerous we should know when to bow out and count our losses."

"We will. We are going to be in contact with every team leader and we will tell them if it's time to bow out."

"Good," Nanaba nodded.

"I think we should do a few practice runs tonight, and some more tomorrow morning through afternoon, just enough to hopefully have everyone get the basics down."

"I think that would be best," Nanaba said before standing, "I'll gather my team and tell them to suit up."

"I'll do the same for mine," Pixis said standing. We all left the room Eren and I to get changed and Pixis and Shadis to let everyone else know to meet them in the training area.

After we got in our costumes we headed straight down the stairs to the training area. There were already a few people down here but most of them were standing off to the side.

"Hey guys," Sasha said, waving us over. We walked up and before I could even ask why we were standing off to the side she told us. "They have us waiting here while Petra changes the layout to match how the camp looks. Obviously she's going to scale it down, but still, I'm excited. I wonder how they are going to do the guards? Are they going to have me use my power? Maybe they will have the people who aren't going to be part of the mission be the guards? No, that might be too dangerous. I don't know what they are planning, I can't wait and see."

Oh my god, my head started hurting listening to her ramble on. "Sasha we love you, but please slow down," I said, trying to be as nice as possible. I was still a little out of it and she was talking a mile a minute.

"Sorry," she laughed, "I forgot I was talking out loud for a moment there. But who do you think they will use as the guards?" She asked me.

"I don't know, who knows they might not even use any guards. We might be just doing a basic run-through," I said. I mean I don't know what practice they had planned, but as long as we know the basics of what we are doing then we should be fine.

"Levi Sasha, can I actually pull you aside," Eren asked. I followed his gaze and he was motioning for Jean and Marco to join us. "As team leader, I want to run over a few things before we start." I could hear the implication in his tone.

"Yeah sounds good," Sasha said grabbing my arm and dragging me over to Jean and Marco before I could even answer.

"So how are we going to do this run-through because I'm assuming we will be doing something different during this run through than in the real deal," Sasha whispered to our team after making sure we were out of everyone's earshot.

"That's what I was going to bring up. Yes, we will be switching it up, but only a little. We are going to be very calm during this run through and we are going to stay in perfect formation, however, when it comes to the actual mission we will be running further ahead and taking more reckless actions obviously," Erens said, before looking around making sure Marlowe and Hitch weren't down here yet. "Also I want to add that there are two more people on our team. When it comes to the actual mission we will have to make sure to keep them safe at all costs, understand?" He asked. "We signed up to be reckless, but they didn't understand?"

Everyone seemed to be in agreement that they were to protect them. "So which ones are joining us on our team?" Sasha asked before Eren saw them walk down.

"Here they come act natural," he whispered before waving them over.

Before they came over Sasha let out a gasp, "they're children."

"She's 16, and he's 17," I whispered, not sure if it would make her feel better or not. I mean she was thinking they were younger than that, but even correcting her she still seemed unnerved by how young they were.

"It was either them, or Rico, and Rico on the front lines, at the time it seemed like a bad idea," Eren shrugged.

"It still sounds like a bad idea," I mumbled.

"But a better idea than this," Sasha whispered back just as they walked up.

"This is the team we're on right?" Hitch asked and Eren nodded.

"It's a pleasure to be working with you," Marlowe said, giving us a smile.

Sasha was losing her damn mind. Her thoughts were panicked about how these kids are too young to be on the front lines and how she will do everything in her ability to protect them from harm's way.

I just patted her on the shoulder. She looked at me and I leaned in and whispered, "this isn't their first dangerous mission, they know the drill." She still seemed pretty panicked about everything but she gave me a nod anyway.

Before I could say much of anything Pixis addressed everyone. It seemed Petra finished with the smaller-scale version of the camp. "Alright everyone, gather around," he announced.

"I'm sure you are all wondering why we brought you in for practice this late. That is because we finally know when we will be doing the mission. However, it is a lot sooner than we had previously anticipated." He cleared his throat before looking around the room at everyone, "that being said you will all have the option to back out if you think the mission is too reckless," he looked to Nanaba.

"The mission is now taking place tomorrow night," she said and the room exploded. People were confused scared and just straight up panicking about the time jump.

"Quiet down, let them finish," Shadis said, getting everyone's focus back on them.

"We know that this is way too soon, however, we have reason to believe that more guards are shipping out to the camp to help reinforce it in the next few days. We have to act now or we might never get another opportunity. So it's now or never, that being said does anyone want out of the mission knowing this?"

The room fell completely silent as everyone looked around. Everyone looked around and finally, Ymir stepped forward. "I'm sure I speak for everyone at least in our group when I say, we are ready to do whatever it takes to take down this camp," she said looking around and I saw a lot of people nod with her and others mumble in agreement.

"We want everyone to be freed," Christa said becking up Ymir.

"Not to mention the information we can get from the camp," Armin said.

"Not to mention that most of us have a personal vendetta," Reiner said, "We want Ilsa brought home safely. The last thing we want is for her to spend god knows how much longer in that hell hole."

"I'm in, I've been dying to knock some heads in," Rico shrugged.

We looked around at the rest of the people who still seemed to be on the fence. Most of them came around and agreed that this was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

"I'm glad everyone agrees," Pixis said before looking over at our team, Eren and me specifically, "I feel like if we didn't end up going through with the missions some of you would have planned your own reckless mission, so that's one crisis averted."

"I think he knows," Eren whispered to me.

"No shit, I mean we weren't very secretive about it," I mumbled back.

"With that being said, let's start practicing," Pixis announced.

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