Recon Briefing

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Author's note~ Sorry for the late chapter I completely overslept. Hope you enjoy!~ TJ

Lunch went by fairly quickly. Eren and I headed back to the meeting room where Pixis was already waiting. Petra wasn't far behind us. When she took a seat I could tell she already knew something was up.

"So how is your day going," Pixis said trying to ease into it.

"Spit it out, what did you call me in here for," Petra said with a raised eyebrow.

Pixis let out a defeated sigh. "Well, we know that you've never been one for missions, but we wanted to see if you would be willing to come on one."

"Pixis-," she started, but he cut her off.

"Before you say anything just yet we wanted to explain just a little," he said and she nodded letting him continue. "We know that you aren't for violence and that you want no part in that. However, this mission is strictly recon. We are just gathering information," he said and I could tell she still wasn't totally convinced.

"Information that will actually help us minimize the violence later," I said and she turned to look at me. "The more information we are able to collect during this mission the more we will know when we raid the camp meaning there's less of a chance that anyone on either side will get severely injured."

The room went quiet for a minute. I could tell she was thinking about it. She was weighing the pros and cons in her head and her answer could have gone either way. "Okay." She finally said.

"Did you just say okay?" Pixis asked, making sure he heard her correctly.

She let out a sigh and nodded, "yes. I'll go on the mission, but I know the drill with these recon missions. If things go wrong and violence erupts I won't help fight."

"We're not asking you too. That's why we have Eren and Levi going too they will be able to get everyone out safely with minimal violence if something were to go wrong," Pixis nodded.

"Good," she stood to leave but not before I caught a thought in her head that made my heart sink. Normally I would have turned this mission down without a second thought, but if I can help even just a little bit maybe it will prevent another death from happening.

The only reason Petra agreed was that she's still thinking about Ilsa's death. A part of me wanted to call her back in and tell her that she doesn't have to break her morals to help us. However, the other part of me knew that she wouldn't back down now that she's already agreed.

Pixis excused himself for a moment to go find Shadis and Nanaba to bring them in and tell them what Perta decided. From here we were going to be moving on to the next steps which were coming up with some plans after that we will need to make sure everyone is okay with going on the mission if yes we start practicing and refining the plans if no we have to start from square one and find new people.

I looked over at Eren who was still stuck in his head. He was nervous about coming up with plans. I could hear his thoughts going over different plans already but he wouldn't let himself fully think them through without cutting himself off calling it stupid.

I put a hand on his shoulder. His eyes met mine as he snapped out of his head for a moment. "Your plans are always amazing so please stop calling them stupid."

"Sorry, I'm just..." his voice drifted off.

"Overthinking every little thing, and panicking yourself," I finished for him.

"Yeah that," he sighed. "I don't know how it was so easy before, now everything I think up just sounds wrong."

"I know it's hard but that's why I'm here. If you can't tell if your plan is actually good or not, run it by me and I'll help you figure it out okay?"

"Okay," he mumbled.

I heard footsteps behind me and saw Pixis come back in with the other two following him. "Alright, let's get planning," he said, taking a seat. We brainstormed for a little while until we came up with a pretty solid plan.

"I think we should pull the others in and explain the plan to them and see if they are okay with joining the mission before we go any further," Pixis said.

"Who will brief them?" Nanaba asked.

"Let Levi and Eren do it, the others are more relaxed around them," Pixis said before turning to us. "You can either brief one team at a time or both at once it's up to you how you want to do it. When you're done meet us in my office."

"Will do," I nodded. We all stood to leave.

Eren and I went to start looking for everyone when I heard him laugh. "What?"

"We both ended up on both recon missions again."

"What can I say we're just that good," I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes at me and nudged me, "more like workaholics."

"That too."

We found Petra and we didn't even need to say anything she just nodded and started heading back to the meeting room. Hanji and Erwin were actually together which made finding them a lot easier. They were sitting in the common area. We walked over and told them where to head for the briefing.

Ymir and Armin were also in the common area so we just grabbed them while we were there. Lastly, we found Marlowe in his room with Hitch and Thomas. We asked if he and Thomas could meet us in the meeting room and they agreed.

We took a seat in the meeting room after telling everyone where to sit. We sat Hanji and Thomas all the way to one side of the table while we sat Perta on the other. We told the others they could sit anywhere between them. They were a little confused at first until Eren explained that we are briefing for two separate missions.

"We are briefing for both missions because most of you are in both of the missions so we figured it would be easier to just do them both at once," I explained when there still seemed to be some confusion.

"Makes sense," Hanji nodded, so what are the two missions, and who is on each." She said trying to get a better understanding.

The only thing almost everyone seemed confused about is why Petra was here if it was a mission briefing. I wonder how they are going to react to hearing that she actually agreed to this.

"You and Thomas are the only ones who are strictly on the mountain mission. Petra is the only one who is strictly on the desert mission."

"Wait so Petra is on a mission?" Ymir asked looking at her. "Since when do you go on missions?"

"Well, I was promised that it was strictly Recon and that if anything bad happens I would not be involved." She shrugged.

"I'm still surprised that you agreed even to that," Erwin said.

"Honestly so am I," She mumbled.

"So the rest of us are on both missions?" Marlowe asked.

"Yes," Eren answered before looking to me. I nodded and he took a breath before continuing. "We will be telling you the plan and if you are uncomfortable with any aspect of it or just don't want to be on these missions then please feel free to let us know at any time."

We were met with silent nods as everyone agreed. "Alright," let's get started," I said leaning forward.

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