Convince Me

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"I don't think you have to worry too much," Eren said, giving me a smile. "If you believe you can do it then I believe you can do it. All that matters is you believe in yourself. Screw what everyone else may think, don't let their doubt drag you down okay. We are both going on this mission, and we are both going to make it through perfectly fine," he said trying to convince me and himself.

If he can push past his worries and state he will do just fine then so can I. "Yes we will," I said, giving him a smile.

"There we go."

The rest of the day went by painfully slow. Eren was an anxious wreck and honestly so was I. We ended up just heading back to our room to wait it all out. Eren started writing in a notebook and I had picked up a book I had read at least 10 times already. I wasn't even reading my eyes were following the words across the page but I didn't care to actually read anything.

Eren let out a frustrated sigh before slamming his notebook closed. "This is so fucking annoying," he groaned.

"Maybe we should just go to bed?" I asked. I mean all the worrying had made us both tired, but sleep just didn't sound possible.

"No, I'm not that tired," he paused for a minute before looking up at me, "I mean there's something else I had in mind that may also involve the bed,"

I looked at him with a smile spreading across my face, "I like where this is heading," I said looking at him.

"But your arm?" He paused looking down at it, "will it be okay?"

"It will be just fine."

"Do you think topping will make it easier on you?" he asked.

"Either way is fine I don't really mind, but I know you want me to fuck the frustration out of you," I said and his cheeks went red. I noticed something and I cleared my throat before he could respond. "Hey, Mom what's up?"

I asked. Ya know what. Eren was right there is something that can make me embarrassed, it's this. I know she heard me. God she's never going to let me live this down.

"Sorry, I was coming to check up on you two. Someone told me you were looking a little down today, but it seems you two are busy. If you do need to talk you know where to find me," she said heading towards the door. She stopped in the doorway and turned to look back at us. Oh, don't do it. "It's only a shame you two can't make any grandbabies for me," she said before walking out. She did it. Damn that woman.

"Levi-," Eren started to say I just flopped back on the bed and pulled the pillow over my face.

"I'm no longer in the mood," I closed my eyes. Ya know what on the other hand sleeps sounds nice then I can pretend that was just a horrible nightmare and not reality.

"Oh come on baby," Eren said trying to hold in his laughter. "Whether we do it or not she's going to think we did. Might as well."

"If you're trying to convince me you're doing a pretty shitty job."

"Oh, do you want me to convince you?" He asked, and I could almost hear the purr in his voice.


The room went silent. For a moment I thought Eren just finished, but that's when I felt his hands on my hips. He pulled me down on the bed until my legs were hanging off the side. I didn't know what he was planning on doing. This seems like a weird way to convince me? I couldn't even read what he was thinking to see what he was planning and doing his thoughts just kept saying oh I'll convince you.

I felt him start to slide off my pants and I hesitated. I was going to ask what the hell he was up to, but I wanted to see where this was going so I let him continue without saying a word.

I felt his hands on my hip bones before he slid down my boxers. I didn't even have a moment to process what Eren was doing before I felt his hand grab me and his mouth around my dick.

Well, damn I'm really convinced, but I'm not going to tell him just yet. I moved the pillow away from my face so I could see how cute he looked while sucking my dick. His eyes looked up and met mine as his head bobbed up and down and I nearly came right then and there.

I lifted my good hand and ran my fingers through his hair as he took more of me in his mouth. He let out a pleased little hum that sent shivers down my spine. "Fuck Eren," I moaned throwing my head back.

A moment later he pulled his head up with a devious smile, "it sounds like I've convinced you." Damn, I wanted him to keep going.

"Damn right," I bit my lip.

I wanted nothing more than to rip his clothes off and pin him against the bed, but with my arm fucked up I couldn't exactly do that. I concentrated on my power and pulled his shirt off.

"Guess I did a really good job of convincing you with how eager you seem to be."

"Just shut up and take your pants off," I rolled my eyes.

"So we're in that type of mood today." He pulled down his pants and boxers before helping me take off my shirt. "Then again I'm not really complaining."

He straddled my lap and pushed me down on the bed, "Just lay back and relax," he purred and I felt my dick twitch with anticipation. "I'll take good care of you."

He started to grind his ass against me. Every time I was starting to really feel it he would slow down and stop just to get a reaction out of me. Dame Eren and his teasing. Normally I would just flip him over and fuck him till he's screaming my name, but I can't do that today. Damn this injury. Then again a part of me doesn't mind his teasing that much, but I will never tell him that.

"Alright, I'll stop teasing you, you can stop glaring daggers into me" he laughed. I felt his hand wrap around me before positioning me at his entrance.

He slowly slid down and I felt a shiver of pleasure run through me. "Oh fuck babe." I grabbed his hips with my good hand. He placed his hand over mine before starting to bounce up and down.

Oh god, his pace is so slow it's going to drive me crazy. I could tell even he was getting frustrated with the slow pace before he decided to speed up. I started grinding my hips up to match his rhythm. Fuck I'm already getting close. I have to hold out there's no way I can finish this early without him bragging about being too good in bed. God forbid that happens his pride would be intolerable.

I sat up and started nipping at his neck knowing how sensitive he is there. I was hoping to get him as close as I was. I gritted my teeth and held out as long as I could. It didn't help that his hands were running down my back, his fingers lightly tracing their way down sending shivers up my spine. Thank god just as I was at my limit he let out a breathy moan, "close baby."

"Come for me," I whispered in his ear as I moved my hand down to pump his dick.

"Fuck," Eren moaned out as he shut his eyes. I could tell he was trying to fight it as much as I was, but neither of us were able to hold on very long after that.

We both came rather quickly after that and collapsed onto the bed. That wasn't as strenuous as our normal bedroom activities, but it was enough to tire us out nonetheless.

"My legs and hips are going to be so sore later," Eren sighed. Even though he sounded like he was regretting his choices, his thoughts were telling me it was so worth it.

We got cleaned up and ready for bed before laying down and cuddling up next to each other. "No matter what happens on the mission tonight I want you to know how much I love you," I whispered to Eren as he laid his head on my chest.

"I love you too." he said before looking me in the eye and giving me a smile, "You don't have to worry the mission is going to go perfect," Eren said, but I could tell he didn't believe what he was saying.

"I'm sure it will," I said, not knowing if I believed myself either. One thing is for sure no matter what happens we are going to be there together and that's all that matters.

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