Their Roles

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Pixis just shrugged "we'll figure something out," he said before standing up. He had us follow him back to the conference room while Shadis went to grab them.

I could feel a headache coming on despite only focusing on Eren's thoughts. I must have overdone it earlier. That power was a lot stronger than I thought and it wiped me out. We sat down in the chair and I leaned my head on Eren's shoulder and felt my eyes start to close. I just wanted to rest. Can they hurry up so I can go back to the room and take a nap?

Eren let out a yawn and I was about to curse him out when he started talking. "Baby, if you're that tired then just go to bed. You don't have to force yourself to stay awake."

Like hell, I don't his anxiety is through the roof. If I leave him in here with Pixis and Shadis he'll freeze up or something. "I'm fine," I said, picking my head up off his shoulder. It took me a moment to pry my eyes back open. I tried to fight the yawn that forced its way out anyway.

"You sure about that?" He raised an eyebrow,

"Positive," I said, clenching my eyes shut and taking a deep breath to calm myself down. Man, I'm so irritated right now. I'm trying not to take it out on Eren. I know exactly why I'm so irritated too but there's nothing I can do to fix it. Eren's anxiety is causing me to be more easily irritable and it doesn't help that I'm tired and worn out which just makes it worse.

"Okay. Just please don't push yourself.: He placed a kiss on my cheek and it made me feel better for the moment, but the irritation picked right back up the second everyone walked in. There are so many people in here, and all their thoughts keep drawing my attention.

I hate being this worn out. It's so much harder to control my powers and my focus will just keep shifting to different people's thoughts making it worse. It sucks, even more, when it gets to the point where I just lose control and all of their thoughts weigh on me all at once.

I forgot how shitty my powers are. I've been so used to having control of them, and it's been so long since I've overused them to this extent that I forgot how painful it gets.

It didn't help that everything felt so heavy. I could barely keep my head up not to mention how fucking heavy my costume is. I should have taken off the knives when we went to our room but my dumbass didn't even think of that.

As everyone finished taking their seats I felt Eren's anxiety pick up.

"Babe please calm down, everything's going to be fine," I whispered trying to be as nice as possible to him. I didn't want to take my anger out on him. It wasn't his fault I overdid it earlier, or that I didn't get enough sleep. 

Sorry babe I'm trying. I heard him think. He took a deep breath and nothing happened. His thoughts remained as chaotic and stressful as before. No, I'm wrong they actually got worse. Now he kept worrying that he was bothering me too. All I did was make him and myself more miserable.

Great, this is going to be a really really long day. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I could be sleeping in bed right now, but no, the things I do for love. I grabbed his hand under the table and I felt him give my hand a little squeeze.

"These are the new teams that Eren and Levi came up with," Pixis said before reading off the teams.

They all seemed a little confused about some of their placements. Rico of course was the first one to jump up and say something. "Why the hell am I in team D. Not only am I not in the fighting group, but I'm the only one not with any of my usual comrades."

"Team D is the other fighting group," Eren started awkwardly. I felt his grip on my hand tighten as he nervously tried to explain to her why she was placed where she was. "We were going to put you in team A, but we realized that team D needed you more. They needed a stronger person on their team to help them," he said. Wow, straight-up lying to her face. Now that's ballsy.

She sat back for a second and rolled her eyes, "Fine, but I better not have to carry the whole team," she sat back down.

Smart, he played to her personality. I thought Christa's power was manipulation, but Eren seems to have mastered it.

"Why are Marlowe and I in team A? We aren't fighters," Hitch asked her voice was a lot quieter than Rico's.

"Well, we decided both of your powers would greatly help our group. Marlowe's power will be able to tell us what trouble we are about to get into, and your power will help distract some guards if there are too many to fight," Eren explained.

They both seemed okay with those answers. No one else really questioned their groupings, but more of what their roles were in the groups.

Eren explained to Nanaba and Thomas what he had planned for them and they seemed okay with it. Gunther and Hannes had asked about their positions and I could feel Eren freezing up.

Great, we didn't really plan anything for them. I looked towards Pixis and he seemed to realize Eren couldn't come up with a lie on the spot this time.

"Well," Pixis started with Hannes, "We had decided that there could be a microphone in the surveillance room since sometimes these places have intercoms. If there is an intercom we were thinking maybe you can mimic someone's voice and distract some of the guards. If there isn't an intercom we are still going to need help defending the room and we figured that since some of us will be using hand to hand combat you will be able to mimic us, or use your own hand to hand combat skills."

Hannes nodded and seemed okay with that. Pixis then turned to Gunther. "As for you, we figured your powers might be able to help get some information out of some of the camp's occupants whether it's just to make sure that they are telling the truth about being well enough to walk, or if they know anything about the camp or the guards that can maybe help. We also thought you could interrogate the guards that are left conscious but incapacitated. See if they know about any other camps."

"Sounds doable," he nodded.

Wow, I'm impressed we didn't even think of that. That's actually really smart. He went from us not knowing what to do with him to an almost essential sounding position, Eren thought and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Who knew a lie would be a great plan.

"Any more questions?" Pixis asked and Nanba nodded.

"Who are the other people we will be working with?"

"Good question," Pixis smiled. "We don't want to overwhelm you guys so we were going to introduce them one or two at a time so you can meet them without a bunch of chaos going on in the background," Pixis said and she nodded.

We all headed out of the conference room and went straight to the common area. Shadis walked over to the rooms.

"Shadis is going to send one or two people over and when they return to their room he will send the next one or two," Pixis explained.

"Why would he send two and not just one the whole time?" Rico rolled her eyes. Nanba elbowed her and she rubbed at her arm and glared at her.

"Well, he's going by rooms. Some rooms have more than one person in them. We won't be bringing out Hanji, Erwin, or Auruo since you've already met them. Oh, also there will be two people here that you won't be meeting." Pixis said, remembering, "we have two civilian refugees staying here for the time being, but they don't really leave their rooms very much."

"That's fine," Nanaba said preemptively glaring at Rico and Gunther threatening them to keep their mouths shut.

"Each person will be telling you their name, codename, and powers," Pixis said.

"I'll have my team do the same," Nanaba said with a nod.

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