Breaking the Peace

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We made it about a block in before more guards came charging at us. Honestly, that's farther than I thought we would make it before we had to deal with more people. I don't know how much longer we can keep this up. I mean we are trying our best to still hold on to nonlethal methods, but that takes a lot more energy from all of us. We have to use more and more of our powers to try and keep them safe which honestly is getting quite frustrating. We are doing everything in our power to keep them alive, but they are doing everything in theirs to kills us.

It's a waiting game at this point. We've already told everyone that it's okay if they do kill someone, but who will be the first one to snap and finally initiate it. I thought people would do it after I did, but no they are still holding out. I can tell they are wearing themselves down in the process. Honestly, I'm surprised that more of the people who had voted to just start killing haven't already, then again we were all angry and letting our emotions decide for us so that might have had something to do with it.

I mean I wish I could say I could kill without hesitation, but I can't. Earlier was just a moment of pure unfiltered rage and I reacted before I was fully able to understand what I was doing. Do I regret it, no, but does that make it any easier to get more blood on my hands, also no.

Staring down this new lineup of guards it was easier to see that these weren't rookies. There wasn't going to be any talking to them or trying to break through and get them to change their mind. These people have been doing this for years, some little speeches aren't going to change their minds.

"This is your only warning, we will not hold back any longer. Either get out of our way or we will go straight through you," Mikasa said, giving them the warning. None of them seemed phased. It seems like they already knew that shooting her would be a waste of time because none of them even bothered. I could see as their eyes traced along our barriers looking for any gaps they could shoot through.

"What's the plan this time?" Levi asked.

"Same thing unless anyone has any different ideas?" I asked, looking around. I was waiting for someone to tell me they didn't have enough energy to do that again, or that they were ready to break the nonlethal streak, but no one said a word.

"Alright, you heard him," Levi said, getting everyone's attention.

"These guys are going to be harder to take down with hand-to-hand combat," I warned everyone. They just faced off with the rookies, these guys aren't going to go down as easy. I know they can handle their own, but I also need to remind them since we might be a little out of practice. It's been a while since we've had an actual mission involving this much hand-to-hand combat.

We started up the exact same way. Mikasa taking out and disarming a few people, Sasha's doubles disarming and holding off whoever they can, Connie swooping in and stealing their guns. Petra turning their guns into a puddle. Levi and I were isolating and pinning them as much as we could.

When all of these guys were disarmed and unconscious we started walking again. I can tell everyone's just about hitting their limits. We can't keep this up, we have to go about this in a different way. I think this is the last batch of guards we can use the nonlethal takedowns on, if we don't everyone is going to be experiencing backlash before we even hit the halfway point.

As more guards came around the corner I looked around at our team who only had two minutes to breathe from the last fight. There's no way we can do this any longer, I know it, and I'm sure they are starting to realize it too.

I wasn't going to tell them what to do, but so someone will have to. "Alright, guys-." Levi's voice cut through my thoughts. I looked at him and he gave me a nod. I could tell what he was planning on breaking the news. The look he gave me alone said it all. 'Fine I'll be the bad guy and tell them what to do,' is what that look said. "We can't keep this up, whoever is comfortable with being more violent, do it, please before all of us get burnt out at the start."

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