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"Wake up, wake up, baby please wake up," I heard as I started to come to. "Eren please," I heard as I finally was able to place the voice I was able to force my eyes open.

"Levi?" I asked, still a little dazed. God my head is pounding and everything hurts. "What happened?"

He didn't even have time to explain before the memories came flooding back. "It's a tr-." The explosions had already started going off before I could finish my sentence. I had figured out their plan, but just a little too late. I guess the force of the explosion must have knocked me out.

They would rather blow up a building that has been around for over 200 years and is really important to the country than let the people abolish a corrupt and unjust government. I wonder if they are going to blame us for this too? Spin in and say that we blew it up for whatever reason. How many innocent people have to die before they realize how corrupt they've become?

"Are you okay?" I asked Levi, realizing they just tried to blow us up.

"I'm okay," he nodded, "are you? You were the one unconscious,"

"I think I'm okay," I said before looking down at my own body. My arms were scratched up and I was bleeding a bit, but as far as I could tell nothing was broken. "Imma try to stand," I said and he nodded before helping me to my feet.

I stood up with no trouble and let out a mental sigh of relief. Nothing's broken at least. I mean a few cuts and bruises I should count myself lucky. I looked around and saw it was dark. There was very little light seeping down wherever we were. All I could see were clouds of dust and debris. There were a lot of different smells, one of them was very strong and downright rancid.

"We're somewhere in the rubble," Levi said, answering my question before I could even ask it. "I think there was a sewer down here, which is why we weren't crushed to death.

"The others?" I asked, realizing I didn't see anyone else.

Levi just shook his head, "I have no idea where anyone is, or if they are even-," he cut himself off.

"We should start looking for them, and a way out." If we are in the rubble then there is no telling when this all can just collapse in on us. We started moving in the little section that we were in looking for a way out. It seems that a few metal beams were holding up some rubble above our heads. Those were the only things stopping us from getting crushed.

On one side of us, the concrete wall of the sewer was completely intact. We started looking the opposite way knowing there would be no way out through solid concrete. Mostly all the rubble around us wouldn't budge. The few loose pieces we saw that we might be able to move were too risky seeing that it was near the metal support beams that held the rest of the debris on top of it.

We can't just wait here. We have to find a way out, but how. I looked at Levi and he shook his head, already seeing the risky plan in my head.

"Don't even think about it."

"Do we have any other choice?"

He just stared at me before letting out a sigh, "what if there's nothing on the other side of it?"

"Then I'll just keep holding it up."

"For how long? If your power fails we will die."

"We will die anyway if we don't get out of here, who's going to rescue us?"

"Our team!" He sounded desperate at this point. We were between a rock and a hard place and we both knew it.

"That's assuming they are even still alive. Let's say they are there's not a lot of them to start, and there are even fewer who will actually be able to help. If they are gone, the only person who could possibly be alive is Mikasa, and with how much rubble is just around us, there is no way she would be able to find us in time. We would either starve to death or get crushed in that time."

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