Tomato Tomato

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When I woke up I knew something was wrong. I felt way too refreshed for it to have just been a few hours. No one woke me up? I looked around and saw Levi, Jean, and Marco all still laying in the bed sleeping. No one woke any of us up?

I went to sit up when I saw a note taped to the wall near the door. I wanted to read it but didn't want to wake anyone up. God, how am I gonna- wait. I made a small gravity field just a few feet away from it and watched as it slowly moved over towards it. I made another one closer, making the first one disappear. I kept doing it until the note was within reach.

I let my eyes glance over what was clearly Pixis's handwriting. "I decided not to wake you guys since we mostly had it handled." I saw just under the first message was a second message that seemed newer. "Mission went smoothly, everyone is back safe."

I let out a sigh of relief and leaned back in the bed. "Good news?" Jean asked, moving his head to look at the note letting out a small yawn as he woke up.

"Mission went well."

"We missed it?" He asked a little more awake.

"They let us sleep in."

"So who was there back up then?"

"It doesn't say but I'm assuming Pixis and Shadis maybe? Maybe some others?"

Jean moved over enough so I could get out of the bed without waking the others. I had to go talk with Pixis and hopefully Hassam. This won't be the only time he has to go out like this. I need to figure out what form this mission worked and what didn't. I'm just hoping they are still awake.

After Jean had moved over enough I used my power to float to the ceiling before moving out of range of the bed and lowering myself back to the floor.

"Show off," Jean mumbled before rolling back over and going back to sleep. Guess he wasn't as awake as I thought he was. Then again he was awake enough to shit talk me.

I headed out of the room and to Pixis's office to see if he was still up. To my surprise, both he and Hassam were there. Perfect.

"I'm not interrupting am I?" I asked, knocking on the wall as I poked my head in.

"Not at all," Pixis said, gesturing to the other chair in the room.

"I wanted to see how the mission went since no one woke me," I said looking at Pixis knowing damn well he was the one who left us sleeping.

"You looked like you could use the rest," he shrugged, "and the mission went perfect. Almost too good to be true," he whispered.

"You think they are planning something?"

"I'm not sure," Pixis sighed. "There's just something to clean about all of this. I mean not a single problem, no repercussions, no nothing." He leaned back to try and think.

"That definitely doesn't sound right." I could see why he sounded suspicious of this. I mean it sounded suspicious.

"Or, I could just be safe with the crowd?" Hassam said so naively that I almost pitied him.

"You do realize that these are the same people who tried to gun you down in the middle of the night? The same people who kill people like us without hesitation cause they see us as less than human? The same people who debated for hours if they should kill a whole group of people because someone leaked the truth at a press conference."

"They weren't going to kill them, were they? Wait, were you there?"

"We were the cause of it," I said with a shrug. "We needed to get our message heard, get the truth out there, what a better way to do that than have their own pawns spread our message for us?" I asked.

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