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We made it to where Hanji's group was and saw a wall of vines boxing in what seemed to be like people, but they were no longer fighting anyone. When we walked up to them I almost got punched by Hanji who was crying hysterically "Why can't you just leave us alone. Haven't you taken enough from us?" she yelled. That was until she blinked a few times and realized it was us.

"Levi, sorry," she said, wiping her tears and lowering her fist. Her eyes shifted over to Mikasa and she shook her head.

"I've failed. I held them off as long as I could, but when Erwin's group portalled to us and told us that they had already made it past us I just couldn't do it anymore. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to let you down," she cried while holding Mikasa's arm.

"You didn't let me down," Mikasa said calmly, pulling Hanji into a hug. "You did your best and that's all we can do. You held off what you could and that's all that matters."

"But because of my stubbornness, he's dead. He died because I didn't stop even after they were down there." She said pointing to a dead body that I recognized. That was Santos. There was an abundance of flowers around and over his body. It seems Hanji was really guilty about his death.

Her grief, her guilt they were so overwhelming. I knew now wasn't the time to panic and I needed to calm her down. I pushed some calming emotions her way and she stopped crying. I could tell she just felt numb now. I wish I could help more than this, but I can't.

"Thanks," she said, turning her head to me. I needed that." Her thoughts were much clearer now and I wish they weren't. I could see all the people who had died and how they died floating through her head. There's no way. Pixis? Shadis? How can they be gone? How can all these people be gone?

"Levi, what's wrong?" I felt Eren's hand grab my shoulder. Is there even a point to all of this? What do we do now? We didn't plan for this? Did we already lose? How are we supposed to continue the mission when the main people leading it are all dead?

I felt a hand hit the back of my head. It wasn't too hard but just enough to snap me out of it, "stop that, we aren't down for the count just yet," Quinn's voice was quiet as she leaned in my ear. "We still have fight left in us, and I think they are the ones losing at the moment. How many of their own civilians did they just turn against them?" Her voice was calming and it started to ground my scattered thoughts. "Look around at how many civilians are with us right now, they are putting their trust in us, not them."

"Well, what are we supposed to do? We still don't have any plans. Our only plans were to take over the building and hold it down until we were heard. Now, what are we supposed to do?"

"We get everyone we can out and we try again," Quinn said, "we might not even have to try again, the damage could already be done. They might have done most of the work for us by turning all of their own citizens against them."

Quinn was right. I have to think critically about this. They just burned all their bridges. They just lost the last of their good relations with the people. We might have that going for us, but even if that isn't the case then I still have to keep fighting. I can't give up now. I can't let the others down.

"This is your last chance to surrender," We heard a loud voice echo around us. "If you don't, there will be consequences."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Eren whispered to me.

"What more could you possibly take from us?' You've already stripped away all of our freedom, our rights, and you've killed so many of our friends and our family? What the fuck more do you think you can take from us?" Hanji screamed out. She's well over her limit. I just walked over and put my hand on her shoulder trying to help her calm back down. There were so many emotions coming off of her, but right now her rage is what I felt the most.

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