Accept Our Love

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"Well that's just great," Jean groaned, plopping down on the bed next to me leaning a defeated head on my shoulder.

"Sorry we didn't mean to bring the mood down for you guys," I mumbled, patting Jean's head lightly. I know he was being overdramatic on purpose to try and lighten the mood. He's not one for serious conversations when he doesn't have to. He'll do anything to make them sound less serious than it actually is.

"Yeah, we wanted to try and spare you a little," Levi mumbled.

"Well, honestly seeing you guys fake it worried us more than you actually telling us what was wrong," Marco explained plopping down next to Levi leaning his arm on his shoulder.

"Yeah, next time just tell us the depressing news rather than trying to spar us," Jean mumbled. "I mean at this point we just expect bad news so it's no different than any other day."

"But we didn't want to ruin the one bit of good news that you did get," I mumbled, shrugging Jean's head off and laying back on the bed.

"Oh well, if you guys are down in the dumps feel free to pull us down with you," Jean said, laying back and looking me in the eyes. "We're all in the same situation and you know we don't mind cheering you guys up. Cause we know the best way to do that." Jean said and before I could run he quickly threw himself on top of me. "There's no escape, just accept my love," he said, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Cuddles time?" Marco asked with a laugh before laying down next to us.

Levi just shrugged and leaned against my back. "I guess this is happening now," he mumbled in annoyance but we could all feel his emotions and how happy he was.

"Why doesn't he get tackled?" I asked out of breath from Jean practically kneeing me in the gut when he jumped on me.

"Because he just accepts it," Jean whispered in my ear squeezing me tighter.

"I would too if you didn't tackle me every time."

"Well, I wouldn't have to tackle you if you accepted it."

"They're just going to keep going in circles unless we put a stop to them," Marco laughed before placing a kiss on Jean's cheek, stopping his rambling.

"Oh, oh that's nice," Jean mumbled letting a little smile slip on his face. He let his muscles relax as he laid his head next to my shoulder burying his face between my shoulder and my neck. "Now I don't know about you all but they woke us all up to socialize and personally I'm still very tired. So don't mind me I'm just going to take a nap."

I wanted to argue more and tell him to grab a pillow rather than cling to me but he looked absolutely exhausted. I couldn't blame him. I was pretty exhausted myself. Especially after yesterday's mission and today's news. "Fine, but if you snore too loud I'm going to kick you off the bed."

"Deal," he mumbled, too tired to argue back.

I felt another arm wrap around me and saw Levi had laid down. "I'm all down for a nap," he said letting out a yawn. That doesn't surprise me since yesterday he literally collapsed and all this morning he looked like an absolute ass.

"Thanks," Levi mumbled, rolling his eyes. I could tell he was by the tone in his voice without even seeing him do it.

"I love you," I laughed, mumbling it out as an apology.

"Yeah yeah whatever," he said before putting his lips against my cheek. His lips ghosting over my skin as he whispered, "I love you too you brat." I felt his lips finally press a gentle kiss against my cheek.

I felt the bed dip down on the other side of Jean and watched as Marco got comfortable and wrapped his arms around Jean. "Have a good nap guys," Marco said, closing his eyes.

Everyone answered back except Jean who was already fast asleep clinging to me like I was a damn pillow. "Goodnight, dumbass," I rolled my eyes wrapping one of my arms around him. I turned my head over and buried my head in Levi's chest sliding my other arm underneath Levi. Levi scooted around a bit getting comfortable and leaning his head against the top of mine. I could tell he fell asleep rather quickly when his breathing even out.

I poked my head up over Jean and saw Marco had also drifted off to sleep. I let a small smile slip on my face at the sight days like these always reminded me that there is some good left in this world. I let the worries of the day drift off as everything around me started to fade out. I let sleep take me. I'll deal with the issues later.

After everyone dispersed I decided to look into Eren's claims. I mean he had a point. I pulled Molbit, Mom, Nanaba, and Auruo into a room.

"Pixis is there a reason you brought us all in here?" Auruo asked, realizing that the people in here were all people who could gather information. Auruo could get in contact with people around the globe, Molbit, Mom, and Nanaba could go outside and actually gather information for themselves. He started to realize I had a mission for them.

"I want you guys to look into the riots to see if there have been any disappearances of ordinary civilians or if any activists leading the riots have been "mysteriously" killed or been in any accidents. I also want you to look into the riots themselves. Are any acts of violence, vandalism, or looting started by people that aren't part of the movement?" It wouldn't be the first time the government has staged these kinds of acts to discredit a movement. I don't put it past them to try it now. Actually, I'm counting on it. "Gather as much information about that as you can the more evidence the better."

"What are you planning?" Auruo asked.

"Well, there are more conferences," I shrugged.

"Don't you think that will be too suspicious if all of them are saying the same thing?" Nanaba asked.

"Well we won't have all of them obviously, but a few here and there. Besides, it would probably be more believable to have more than one speak out. I mean you saw it today when one person speaks out it inspires more to speak out. We would obviously greatly change the speech so it doesn't say the same thing. Maybe even have them talk about the staged rioters causing issues instead."

"So you think that Eren is right?" Mom asked. "That people are really disappearing or getting hurt by this?"

"I'm not sure yet, but we are going to find out. He could be right, he could be wrong, or he could just be predicting their next move. They might not have even started any of this yet, but knowing how they think, how they work, they will. Anything to flip the narrative back to their side. They will do it even if it means getting rid of some of their own."

"Well, they don't actually care about their citizens, they just care about power, order, and control," Molbit said, finally speaking up.

"Exactly," I sighed.

"Alright, you guys can start gathering information tomorrow, today everyone can relax and focus on the happy news. I also want you all to keep an eye out for Eren and Levi. They seemed to take the news very poorly for good reason, right now they said they are napping but maybe try checking in with them later to make sure they are okay.

"I'll definitely check in with them later tonight," mom said before heading out of the room. Every day I thank whatever god there is that she came with us that day she has been nothing but helpful and supportive. She has been the support of this whole group.

"I'll start writing up the messages and sending them out tonight. It might take me a few days to get some responses but I'll definitely try and get some information as soon as possible," Auruo said before walking out.

Both Nanaba and Molbit looked at me and nodded, "we will start looking tomorrow in different parts of town," Nanaba said quickly.

"Have Erwin on standby just in case," Molbit agreed before they both headed out.

Good everything is set in motion now we wait and we see what happens. All of this is new territory and with it will come some good and some bad but we have to figure out if there is more of one than the other and if so how do we fix it if it's more bad than good.

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