Long Story

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I shot up disoriented and dazed. I felt like shit and didn't know where I was... wait no I know exactly where I am. Why am I here? I'm back at the school campus in my bed in my own room. Did I dream that all up? No there's no way. I couldn't have dreamt up the last 4 years. Am I dead? No, I doubt you're in this much pain when you're dead. I threw the covers off and saw that I was still in my dirty and blood clothes from the mission. My jacket was gone, but my shirt still had some blood soaked into it. Some of it was mine, but most of it was from my friends, from Eren. My leg was also in a splint now. Wait Eren. Where is Eren?

I dragged myself out of bed and fell straight on my face. Apparently, my leg is broken which explains the splint. I need to find him, I need to find the others. I need to know what happened. How we got here. If I lived then Eren did too right? I can't get my hopes up but at the same time, I just can't accept the possibility he didn't make it out. I don't even know who I'm alive. The rubble definitely came down on us. I mean that probably explains why my leg is broken, by why is the rest of me fine?

What exactly happened? I tried to run through it in my head as I crawled towards the door. Mom. She's gone. No, that was a dream, right? It felt too real. What is real and what was a dream? Mom dying, as much as I want to say that was a dream I'm pretty sure that was real.

Memories started flooding my brain. Everything we went through. Hassam, Mom, Nanaba, they're all gone. Xander, Quinn, Alastair they are injured. We lost so many people. Focus focus, what happened to Eren. I have to remember. Eren was holding up the rubble. He got shot because I let my guard down. He was bleeding. God, there was so much blood he was choking on it. I closed my eyes and tried to clear that thought away. Come on focus what happened after that. Let's see I held up the rubble but couldn't hold it for long. He proposed and I said yes, then he went unconscious. I fell unconscious soon after and the rubble came down. I felt it come down. I felt the pain in my leg before I fully blacked out. How did I live? If I lived and he didn't I will never forgive myself.

I managed to climb up the door and open it only to be dropped back down on my elbow and hand. I pushed away the pain and kept crawling. I didn't even know where I was heading. I just knew I couldn't stay in that room. I had to look for someone anyone who could tell me what the hell was going on. Where would everyone be? How many people did we end up losing? Someone has to be alive because they carried me here. Why are we at the school though? That's when I remembered my order to Hanji. Have Erwin open a portal here since home base was discovered.

"Oh shit, he's awake!" I heard someone yell from the other side of the hallway.

"I thought I told you to stay in there with him dipshit!"

The voices were familiar but my head was too rattled to place them. I couldn't turn around to see whose footsteps were coming closer.

"It's okay now," I heard Mikasa finally register. Connie was the person she was yelling at.

"Where's Eren?" I asked when she helped me to my feet. She made sure to carry most of my body weight since my other leg couldn't support me.

"Don't worry about that now, you need to lay down." That can't be good. People only say that when it's bad and they don't want you to panic. He didn't make it. It's all my fault. I got him killed because I let my guard down.

I tried to push her off of me. I didn't know where I wanted to go, I just needed to leave. The tears in my eyes blurred my vision as I struggled against her. There was no getting away.

"Hey calm down. What's wrong Levi?"

"Don't say that. He's not dead, he can't be dead." I pleaded with her like she had the power to change that. First mom now Eren. I was starting to spiral. I didn't even see it happen and now he's gone.

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