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I opened my eyes and was met with a face hovering right above me. Their eyes looking right into mine. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked rubbing at my eyes to see if I was hallucinating or not.

"They sent me to see if you were awake," Hanji said, backing up.

"So you stare at me until I do wake up?" I asked, "who sent you?"

"Pixis, and Shadis," she said, "and well I knew you would wake up if I stared long enough."

"Where's Eren?" I asked looking around seeing that he wasn't next to me.

"He's watching a match."


"I don't know."

"Why did you wake me up?"

"What is this twenty questions?" Hanji laughed.

"Hanji, why did Pixis and Shadis have you come in here and wake me?"

"Don't know," she shrugged, "They just told me that if you were up to have you report to them."

Shit. Did they find out that I lied and covered for Eren? "Did they seem mad?"

"Huh," she gave me a confused look. "I don't know, they looked normal I guess. Then again I can never read those two. Why did you do something wrong?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I was just wondering."

"That's not a no! What did you do?" She asked her eyes going wide as she waited for my answer.

"Nothing, I was just wondering," I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. "Imma get dressed then I'll meet them so you can leave now."

She nodded and was starting to head out but not before thinking over and over again Levi's in trouble, Levi's in trouble, Levi's-.

"Fucking lunatic," I mumbled under my breath

"What was that?" She asked, poking her head back through my door.

"I said you're a fucking lunatic!" I yelled at her this time.

She just laughed before leaving.

I got ready before heading to Pixis's office. Both Pixis and Shadis were in there, but Petra was also sitting in there. Maybe I'm not in trouble, I thought before taking a seat. "Alright, now that you are here we want to talk to you both. So we are planning on having a drill today, I know we usually don't tell anyone when drills are happening however, this one is going to be a little different." Pixis started explaining.

"We have two civilians staying here, and we don't want to scare them with the drill," Shadis explained. "We have already told them about the drill and we told them that they don't need to participate. They plan on staying in their rooms."

"Since you two usually handle most of the heavy lifting during the drills and direct others on what to do during it we needed to sit down with you and fill you in," Pixis said.

"So what do you need us to do?" Petra asked.

"I want you to do everything like a normal drill, except, leave those two rooms intact. "Do you think you can do that?" he asked.

"I can do that," Petra nodded.

"During the drill, I also need you both to make sure that everyone else leaves those two rooms alone," Shadis added.

"We'll make sure they know," I said.

"Good," Shadis said.

"You two are dismissed. We aren't going to tell you when the drill will happen today, but just that it is happening." Pixis said and we nodded. Makes sense. The only people who know when the drill is happening are Pixis and the two civilians.

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