Full Run Down

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When I woke up the next morning I knew I was in for a shit storm. Especially with how I was woken up. "Get your ass up," Shadis said, barging into my room throwing something at me. When I opened my eyes I realized it was the Jacket from my costume. I could still smell the dried blood on it as I looked at the bullet holes in the sleeve.

"Good morning to you too," I groaned, forcing myself to sit up in bed.

"Don't give me that bullshit. Not only is there some random dude here now but apparently you went on a suicide mission last night," he raised his voice and I winced at the loud noise so early in the morning.

"I'll explain everything to everyone later. Can you give me some time to get ready and wake up before you blow out my eardrums with your yelling?"

"No, you need to explain right now," he folded his arms waiting for my reasoning. Why I would okay such a mission as well as join the damn thing.

"Okay," I said, rubbing my eyes and trying to focus enough to give him an explanation. No matter what I said he wasn't going to like the answer. Whether I explain it or not he's still going to yell at me.

"I'm waiting." Patience was never his strong suit.

"I'm trying to wake up enough to actually think, 5 seconds please," I mumbled, taking a deep breath. "Well, it was Eren's plan but-."

"Don't try and put this on Eren."

God, he's so annoying sometimes. "If you're going to interrupt me I'm not going to explain shit to you," I glared at him. "Sit your ass down and be quiet for five minutes and just listen." I wasn't in the mood to deal with him interrupting me after every few words. He's going to yell no matter what but he can at least wait until after I'm done explaining.

He just stared at me for a moment before plopping down on the side of my bed and waiting for me to continue. "It was Eren's plan but I wasn't a fan of it. He was determined to go on it no matter what. I knew there was no way of talking him out of it so instead, I thought I should do it alone. They didn't let me. They insisted on being my backup. So we all went on the mission. While on the mission we were ambushed and-."

"I knew it! That guy is a snake he shouldn't-."

"Shut up I'm not done," I snapped at him again. "Jumping to conclusions isn't going to get you anywhere," I mumbled under my breath before clearing my throat and continuing. "We found out the people ambushing us weren't actually after us, but they were after him. We offered him a safe place to say since we both have a lot to lose and we both can help each other."

"How can we help each other? What is he doing to help us?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He's getting our message out there. We keep him safe and he tells our truths for us since we can't exactly go out there and do it ourselves."

He didn't seem convinced with my answer. He still looked defensive and like he was about to go off on me again so I continued talking to try and stop him from yelling again.

"Look we all have a lot to lose, and we could be stand-offish and defensive, or we can gain mutual trust and make allies. We don't have many allies, especially none that are willing to risk this much so instead of throwing him to the streets and leaving him to die we should work together."

"Who's to say he's actually going to hold up his end of the deal? How do we know he won't turn on us the second he gets the chance?"

"Why would he?" I asked plain and simple, "he has no reason to. He's on the government's hit list too. Not to mention that the only reason I trust him so much is because Levi trusts him."

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