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"I need to find a way down there," I said looking at the others. I could sit up here and more for all the people we might have lost or I could go down there and prevent us from losing anymore.

"Mikasa, how do you expect to get down there?" Armin asked. "Do you need me to go look for an opening?" he asked, trying to find a way to help.

"Zahra you said there was a sewer under us right?"


"There has to be a manhole somewhere that is still intact," I can go down through one of those, if you can find one then I can get down there and we can try and find people.

"Alright I'm on it," Armin said before running off to go look through the rubble to see if he can see anything by phasing through stuff that the rest of us can't see.

It felt like an eternity before he returned but it has probably only been like 10 minutes. "I think I found a way down just a few blocks this way," He said excitedly tugging at my arm.

"Armin? Mikasa? Hanji?" Petra asked, walking up to us.

"Petra, oh thank god you're okay." I couldn't help but feel revived seeing another familiar face. She seemed to be okay, a few cuts and bruises, but she was walking okay.

"Thank god that I've found you guys, I found a few others and they are injured. They are this way, I thought I saw Armin so I followed him. I left them back there," she said pointing towards where Armin had pointed. Well, we were heading that way anyway. All the more people to help with the rescue.

"Who did you find and how badly are they injured?" Hanji asked straight away.

"Auruo, he has a broken leg, Eld is unconscious and it looks like he's having trouble breathing, and Mike seems to have ruptured both his eardrums. I think he might also have a concussion.

"Alright I'll start with Eld since that seems to be the most severe and then I'll work on Mike and then Auruo," Hanji said, mostly talking to herself trying to figure out how to triage them.

We started heading over towards them when we saw a bunch of people start running in the opposite direction. "What's going on?" Armin tried asking some of the people running past us.

"Run, they are coming," is all someone said as they didn't even stop to fully explain.

We started hearing gunshots in the distance and Petra froze for a second before taking off in a dead sprint. "Petra, wait!" I tried to yell after her but she didn't stop.

"They are still over there!" She yelled and we ran after her. I wanted to tell her to wait so that I could check it out and get them all out of there but she just kept running. We kept trying to catch up to her but I swear she was running just shy of Connie's speed by this point.

"I'm getting a bad feeling about this," I heard Zahra say. She did say that was one of her powers, probability, and aura reading. I mean it makes sense she doesn't have a good feeling going towards the gunshots.

I watched as she stopped and I could see the others sitting or laying on the ground. It looked like Eld was still unconscious, Mike looked completely unaware of what was going on. Auruo seemed to be the only one who knew what was going on and he looked scared.

Petra was helping Auruo to his feet, having him lean most of his weight on her shoulder. She was trying to tell Mike to pick Eld up but it seems like he was having a hard time understanding. I had just about caught up to them when I saw the guards start rounding the corner approaching.

"Hanji can you-?"

"On it," I heard Hanji say from behind me. I watched as Vines rapidly stretched past me and grabbed Eld from the floor as well as wrapped around Mike's waist. Hanji was pulling them over behind a damaged but partially standing wall. I had just caught up to Petra and Auruo and was about to have her hand him over to me so I could carry him when a gunshot rang out.

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