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"Wait, Nanaba, look I know you are just trying to keep me safe, but I can do this. Besides this is the best chance we've got and you know it." Rico said, trying to convince her.


"No but's, look I know the risk, and I'm willing to accept it. We need to get the information and free the people, no matter the costs. You have to trust me when I say I can do this."

Nanaba just stayed quiet for a few minutes staring at Rico's unwavering stubborn face. She finally broke. "Fine," she mumbled. "I can't believe I'm agreeing to this." She closed her eyes and rubbed at her temples before turning back to Rico, "I swear to god if you get hurt I'm going to be so pissed off."

"If I get hurt then I kill whoever hurt me," she shrugged.

"Maybe don't go that far," Nanaba mumbled, "but I get what you're saying."

"Alright, we will add that into the play." Pixis nodded patting Nanaba on the back before leaning in and whispering, "the kids are so stubborn nowadays."

"I know, I have no clue where they get it from," she mumbled. I bursted into laughter, and I wasn't the only one Levi and Rico were right there with me. Armin and Christa bless their hearts, just stared at us a little confused.

"Alright everyone, we are starting from the point after Nanaba and Armin finish grabbing the keys." He announced as everyone headed back into the control room.

Pixis had Rico and Christa fill the rest of their team in. Levi filled in both my teams and team C of the changes while Nanaba and Pixis filled in the rest of their team. When they were done Pixis gave me a nod to let me know that they were all ready to start back up again. I made myself weightless and gave Pixis a thumbs up.

"Alright Start," he called out.

They started back up. "We just finished gathering all the keys," Nanaba said again letting everyone know where we left off.

"Teams A is heading into the hallway," Levi announced. "We are checking to make sure the hall is clear."

"Team C is following behind team A and entering the hallway," Hanji called out.

"Team D is following team A and C and entering the hallway," Berthold announced.

"I am using my heat vision to check how many people are in the morgue and the guard barracks as well as making sure that none are coming out into the hallway," Marlowe said after looking at Levi.

Oh, that's a good idea. Nice addition. I thought to Levi and he gave me a smile and a thumbs up.

Ymir spoke up next, "I am sending a spirit to check out the two rooms. "They will tell me what the people in the morgue are doing, or holding, and if anyone is awake in the guard's barracks, so our teammates will know what they are getting into."

"Oh, that's smart," I mumbled to myself. I didn't even think of doing that.

"I am entering the morgue," Christa said before walking into the room.

"I am entering the guards' barracks," Rico said walking into the room.

They both walked out and walked back to their team. I looked at Levi and thought to him. Keep it toned down so no one gets too worried. Stay with the other groups.

He gave me a tiny nod before announcing, "Team A is entering the red and green badge cell area," and with that my team walked through the doorway.

Team C and D followed. They all announced how they would take out the guards and how they would act. Team A announced they were moving on to the next hallway. Team C stayed behind with team D for a moment. Team A waited for them in the hallway. Which I can say definitely wouldn't be the case for the real run-through.

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