Supply Run

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"Before we can do any of that," Pixis said with a hesitant tone. "We are running low on supplies and need to stock up again," he said, his tone a little quieter than before.

"How many people do you think we will need this time?" I asked before looking at Levi who I assume was thinking the same thing as me. We might need more people since our last supply run didn't seem to last us long just a few weeks. We needed it to last for a lot longer than it did.

"More than last time," Pixis mumbled.

"Basically as many people we can get to go out," Levi asked.

"Yeah basically."

"I'll go around and see who is up for a supply run. You and Eren make the list of supplies we need."

"We will meet in the conference room," Pixis clarified as Levi Headed for the door. He nodded before going off to find some people.

We came up with a list of supplies everyone needed and some basic necessities that we were running low on like toilet paper and sanitary products. We wrote down some types of foods that aren't perishable and made sure we put water down for everyone to pick up. We go through water like crazy, everyone would probably have to pick up two or three each.

"Here's the money for you and Levi, I'll pass the rest out to the others," Pixis said, handing it to me and I didn't even want to ask where he got it from this time. Whether it was taken from the guards at the last camp, or from some other scheme I didn't care to know.

It's hard to not think about it, but at the same time, you do what you have to to survive. If that means begging and stealing then so be it. I know it's not right to steal, but at the same time when it's our only option for survival then what other choice is there?

I took the money and shoved it in my pocket not wanting to know where it came from, but still feeling guilty. We stood up and walked towards the conference room to see how many people agreed to do the run this time.

We walked in and the room was almost filled. I'm surprised it's usually a lot harder to get people to agree to do this.

The first few people I saw were Rico, Nanaba, and Hannes. "Are you three going together?" Pixis asked as we walked up.

"No Hannes and I are going as a married couple,
Nanaba said before pulling out two rings which I assumed are fake, but look real enough. Rico will be paired with one from your group. I figured we were sticking with groups of two again?" She asked to make sure.

"It's the most ideal."

Rico followed Pixis and I as we searched for someone to group her with. I saw Molbit and Mom and asked Pixis if we should pair her with one of them. They would sometimes go together on supply runs, but with it getting more and more dangerous we want to pair them with someone with powers just in case something bad happens.

"I can go with Molbit," she volunteered.

"Alright, I guess that solves that," Pixis nodded.

I looked around and everyone else was grouped up aside from two, "Armin can go with mom," I suggested and Pixis nodded before calling them over and having them group up.

"So that makes," he paused and counted, "eleven groups of two."

"Erwin is going to portal everyone out of here to different alleys near stores in different cities. Everyone has an hour to gather supplies before the portals open back up in the same spot. Be there or we will have to send someone there after you." Pixis said to everyone.

He dismissed everyone to get ready and told us all to meet back in the common area when we were ready. It was time to get a different costume on. Ones that we hardly ever wear anymore. Normal everyday casual clothes. A lot of us wore brighter colors. We knew that people who wore darker colors looked more suspicious and were more likely to be harassed by patrolling officers and guards. We headed into the common area and got in a line as Erwin walked up to the front Pixis went around and passed out the money to each group.

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