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After talking with Berthold for a few hours I went back to our room and saw Eren laying in bed. It was getting late and I could tell he was having trouble staying awake but he wanted to wait up for me. He was half asleep, his eyes barely open and he didn't even realize I had come in.

I felt absolutely drained after talking with Berthold for hours. Feeling his raw emotions and just listening to all of his stories of them. I had to hold back my own emotions for a while. Seeing Eren laying in bed I felt so relieved that I could just climb back in bed with him and hold him close, but it came with a pang of guilt as I realized that Berthold will never be able to hold Reiner like this again. That every night he has to return to an empty bed and somber room.

"Hey baby," I finally whispered trying to keep my voice low trying not to wake him up all the way.

"Hey," he mumbled out, turning his head slightly to face me.

I just crawled into bed scooting in close to him and wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him into me. I put my head on his shoulder before whispering in his ear. "I love you so much, baby."

"I love you too," He said back, his words fading out as he fought off sleep. He was losing, but he still pried his eyes open again. "Are you okay? How did it go?"

"I'm fine, it went fine," I said simply not wanting to get into all of it, "I just want to go to sleep."

He nodded in agreement, "goodn-," before he could even finish the word he was out. Aww, poor baby. He was so tired. I mean he did ref a lot of matches and even sparred a little. Not to mention using his big brain all day to come up with plans. He deserves a break. He's been stressing himself out trying to keep everyone else out of their emotions. He cares so much and is hurting. I know I'm the empath here, but he is so empathetic sometimes that it shocks even me.

I just nuzzled my face into his neck rubbing my hands up against his arms feeling his chest rise and fall under my fingers. "Goodnight Eren," I said quietly, placing a kiss on his cheek before cloning my eyes and letting myself fall asleep. My arms wrapped firmly around him. I wasn't letting go no matter what. I needed him in my arms. I needed to cherish these moments just in case, god forbid, something happens and this time we spent together is our last. I want to make it mean something. I want him to know I love him.

When I woke up I felt like crap. My whole body hurt and it felt like my muscles were screaming at me specifically my wrists. I knew I overdid it, but not to this extent. Levi was right. I should have put my braces on sooner for the sparring matches. I went to sit up and that's when I realized the arms around me. Levi was still peacefully sleeping.

Damn it if I try and get up it will probably wake him up. There's no way I can slide out of his arms. Do I just lay here and make us both late for practice or do I wake him up? I knew what I had to do but I knew he needed the sleep. Besides, he's so cute. I mean I can a little bit of air hit the back of my neck every time he breathes. His arms still wrapped firmly around me. How did I ever get this lucky?

I just wish I can roll over and get a look at his sleeping face. It's always so cute. His messy hair, his relaxed face. His lips slightly apart. His eyes slightly twitching every now and again as his dreams go wild.

I felt his arms pull me tighter and his breathing change. His raspy morning voice whispering in my ear, "how many times have I told you thinking about me is creepy," he tried to joke letting out a tired yawn.

"I can't help it, you're just so damn cute," I said rolling over in his arms to face him, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Sorry if I woke you."

"You didn't wake me, your creepy thoughts did, and I'm not cute, your cute," he said, giving me a small good morning kiss. "Time to get up?" he asked, letting another yawn out as he tried to wake up more blinking a few times.

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