Good Call

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Ouch. I'm surprised I didn't get knocked out with the force of the blast, or with that nasty fall. I did land on my back and I'm almost afraid to move cause I know it's going to hurt like a bitch. I sat up and sure enough I felt pain shoot through my body as it ached from the hard impact of the landing. I moved my shoulder blades a little trying to figure out if anything was broken. Everything seemed fine, I'm just really sore and probably have some wicked bruises.

I forced myself to my feet and looked around at where I was. I could tell I was somewhere under the rubble, but I wasn't exactly sure where or how far down I was. It was pretty hard to see down here. There was just a bunch of dust in the air as the rubble settled. Some of the rubble around me looked very unstable and I thought it was best if I started moving.

After looking around I saw a small crack in some of the rubble. It seemed to have a bigger and safer opening on the other side. From what I could see after stretching my head through the crack the roof seemed to be some sort of solid concrete rather than just rubble that could collapse any moment. I could use my powers to stretch through which would be safer than trying to remove any of the rubble and have it possibly collapse in on me.

I took a deep breath and slowly slipped through the small crack that was no bigger than a spine of a dictionary. When I was on the other side I took a deep breath knowing I was a little safer this time around. That was until I heard something moving. I thought there was some rubble sliding down and moving behind me, but when I turned to look around I just saw the outline of a person. They were leaning against a wall holding their arm. The rubble I heard was them shifting around the wall and kicking some of it around.

"Berthold is that you?" I heard the familiar voice ask me.

"Yeah, it's me?" I took an extra moment to place the voice, "Pixis?"

"Yeah," I saw him stumbling towards me. Shadis is here too. I could use your help if you aren't injured too."

"Shadis is injured?"

"I am too, but not as badly," he said before waving me over.

"I could use some help getting back over towards him."

I walked over to him and realized he was limping really badly. "Did you hurt your leg?"

"I think I sprained my ankle pretty badly, I definitely dislocated my shoulder."

Well, that makes sense why he was holding his arm. I came up next to him and let him put his good arm around me. I used my powers to stretch my arm around his arm making a temporary sling for his shoulder so it didn't bounce around too much as we walked.

"He's just around the corner, I heard footsteps and told him I was going to be right back after getting some help."

"What state is he in?"

"It's not good. It looks like a piece of rebar snapped during the explosions and he landed on it. I know better than to pull it out, but I also don't want him moving around too much with that sticking out of his side. I'm not sure if it hit any organs or not."

"Is he under a solid roof?"

"No, which was my concern too. I can't carry him over here but I also don't want to hurt him by making him walk over here."

"I can try and carry him, but that could still cause the rebar to move and cause more damage."

"We just have to pick the poison. What's worse, a chance of the rebar moving and causing more internal damage, or the chance the whole thing comes crashing down on him and crushes him to death?" Pixis mumbled as we rounded the corner.

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