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Author's note~ sorry this took so long to post but I'm back to posting hope you enjoy~ TJ

When I woke up the next day to silence I was a little concerned. The last time we had done one of these missions the change was instant and there were celebrations ringing through these halls, but today... nothing but a chilling silence. "Did we mess something up?" I asked myself.

"I don't know," Levi mumbled. He was already awake sitting up. "I woke up an hour ago and wanted to go see why it was so quiet but I was just hoping no one was awake yet. I haven't brought myself to check." His voice slowly drifted off as he looked towards the door.

"Well let's go check together," I said standing up and reaching my hand out, and helping him off the bed.

I was worried that we would hear nothing but bad news, but whether there is good news, bad news, or no news waiting for us we have to hear it eventually. I took a deep calming breath and I could hear Levi do the same as we walked out of our room and to the common area.

People were just sitting around quietly almost as if they were waiting. I saw Pixis sitting at a table and decided he might be the best person to ask to figure out what is going on.

"So?" I asked getting his attention, "What happened?"

"Well," he sighed. Oh, great bad news. "We don't know yet." Oh... not bad news.

"Why?" That's quite confusing normally we would know something by now.

"Molbit, and mom haven't come back yet with the information. They are fine they've been doing normal check-ins so they are okay, but apparently, they are having trouble gathering the information," he explained. I'm glad he clarified that they were okay because before he did I felt my heart drop and I could tell Levi was also scared until he said that.

"Okay, so that's why everyone looks like they're waiting," I said mostly to myself.

"Auruo is also trying to get in touch with some other groups to get some information but so far we don't know enough to brief anyone. It's not as simple as grabbing a newspaper this time apparently."

"Alright, well I guess we'll just sit and wait too," I said excusing us and heading over to take a seat at a nearby table. I saw Jean and Marco head in and we flagged them down and had them sit down with us. We explained what Pixis had told us to fill them in. We were just sitting and waiting.

"Patience isn't my strong suit," Jean groaned.

"We know," I sighed. "Believe me it isn't mine either, but what other choice do we have?" I asked. I saw a devious smile pop onto his face and leaned in so he could whisper to me.

Levi smacked him upside the head and I backed up not wanting to get whacked too. "Knock it off you two that's a dumb idea and you will get caught." Levi rolled his eyes before looking at Marco.

Jean's eyes begged him not to rat him out but Levi ignored him. "Your dumbass boyfriend was about to convince my dumbass boyfriend to sneak out with him and gather the information themselves.

Marco raised an eyebrow and looked at Jean. "Can you not be reckless and stupid for five minutes," Marco rolled his eyes scolding him.

"Sorry, I'll behave," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his head.

"As for you," Levi said, whacking me upside the head.

"What did I do?" I asked, rubbing at the back of my head.

"You encouraged him," he said, raising an eyebrow knowing that I was probably going to agree to his plan.

I just folded my arms and pouted before glaring at Jean. "You got me in trouble," I whispered.

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