Reasoning for the Teams

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"Well, based on the notes I took from their powers I did the same method we used for picking out teams," I explained. "I broke down their powers into the categories and decided where to place everyone based on that. I also moved some people around based on their attitudes and personalities based on Levi's analysis and what I picked up on."

"That makes a little more sense," Pixis said, but he didn't sound very convincing. "I'm just a little confused about how you came to this conclusion based on that?"

"Which ones confuse you the most?" I asked, trying to narrow it down hopefully.

"Well," he paused for a moment and read through the teams again, "all of them."

He hates them. Great. I knew I wouldn't be able to do this right. I probably messed this all up. Why did he tell them I could do this I can't do-.

I snapped out of my thoughts with a smack to the back of my head. "I told you I already have a fucking headache stop with the spiraling," Levi rolled his eyes at me before taking a deep breath. "Just explain the thought process to him," he said in a calmer tone.

Pixis was looking at me even more confused now probably since Levi just knocked me upside the head. "Well, what group should I start with," I said trying to find a place to start since he didn't really give me much to go on.

"Let's just start with team A," he mumbled.

"Okay, so for my team, I choose to add Hitch and Marlowe," I said and watched as his brow furrowed and his eyes trailed off trying to wrap his head around these choices.

"I see that," he mumbled, "why?"

"Well, team A is the front line team they will be dealing with the most enemies yes?"

"Yeah, and because of that you said you wanted to keep that team as mainly fighters, but Marlowe you have marked as needing defense, and Hitch is defense and a background fighter."

"Well, earlier I did want that team to be just fighters, and I thought about putting Rico on our team, but then I switched it for two main reasons. Firstly she was one of the ones I switched for personality reasons because I think in our team she would get carried away to easily. Levi noticed she was very rash and stubborn. Putting her in the front lines would be a bad thing."

"And the second reason?" Pixis asked.

"Well, her power would be great in fighting, however, it's hard to say how good she is at directing that power. We don't know much about it and she could easily put her team in danger, we moved her to team D because it will be easier for her to use her power and put a little more distance between her team and her since there will be fewer enemies. Not to mention that team D is filled with some equally as stubborn people, but we will get back to the people we changed based on personality.

"There's technically a third reason," Levi added, "we focused more on Hitch and Marlowe's powers and saw they were a better fit."

"Okay, how?" Pixis said he still seemed confused but he seemed to understand why we didn't pick Rico which seemed like the obvious choice.

"Well, like I said before we are the front line fighters we are the ones running into the most enemies. We need to know where those enemies are."

"I see," Pixis nodded, "so you need Marlowe to be able to tell you when to watch your backs, and when the coast is clear?"

"Exactly," I nodded. "And as for Hitch, if there are too many enemies for us to handle all at once her powers will make it easy to distract some of them while we deal with others. It's easier to fight five enemies at a time than thirty."

"That makes more sense now, as for team B?" he looked back at the list.

"Well, your team's main job is to kickstart the whole mission and defend the surveillance room so we have a safe exit point. So I figured that Nanaba would be the best to help kickstart the mission."

"How so?"

"We need to get the keys to unlock the cells and different rooms. So far we had Ymir and Armin doing that, but they probably won't be able to get all of them. We are going to have to knock out the guards in the surveillance room anyway so Nanaba can steal their clothes and shift into them. She then can go out and try and grab the keys speeding the process along."

"I see, and Hannes?" he said looking at the other name on the list.

"Well, I'm going to be perfectly honest, there were two people where we couldn't find any specific rolls for with their powers, and we were going to put them both in your team because your team is in the safest area, however, we changed one of them to team C for attitude reasons," I explained with an awkward shrug. I expected Pixis to be a little mad that I couldn't find places for them but instead, he just nodded.

"Makes sense, not everyone's powers fit with certain missions," he mumbled. "Well, speaking of team C let's move on. I'm assuming Gunther is the other person you were talking about?" He said pointing at team C

"Yes, but we will come back to him. We put Thomas on team C because he needs defense and Mikasa and Annie can easily keep him safe. We also put him under essential because with his power it will be easy to connect all the teams together so they can get orders and keep in contact with everyone. His power will come in handy."

"I like that idea," Pixis nodded.

"And lastly we're going to go back to Gunther and Rico and why they were placed in these teams."


"Gunther's power can't really hurt anyone, however, his attitude tells us that he really doesn't trust us and doesn't want to be here. I don't think it's likely that he will turn on us, however, in case something like that ends up happening I put him with Mikasa and Annie because they will easily be able to defend the others from him since he's only really a threat with hand to hand combat."

"And I assume you put Rico in D for the same reason right?"

"Yes sir."

"Who in that team will be able to defend against her powers?"

"Christa. She doesn't need to be near her to stop her and she can do it with a single word," I explained.

"Well, these teams make a lot more sense now that they are explained, however, how are you going to explain some of these to them?" He asked.

"I haven't the slightest idea," I blurted out. The last thing I wanted to do is to tell them that we didn't have any use for their powers, that just sounds rude. Not to mention that we put someone of them in groups purely based on the fact that we don't trust them and need to make sure someone can take them down if they decided to betray us. Telling them that definitely won't go over well, but I have to tell them something especially after Pixis made a big deal about talking me up to them.

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