Just the Beginning

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When I walked through I took a deep breath and instantly Levi had come through behind me. He gave me a nod and we waited as the others started coming through. We all had burner phones in case we got separated in the crowd, but with what we are expecting we are hoping that no one ends up separated. Erwin was the last one through the portal and he closed it behind him.

"Alright, you're the team leader this time around," Pixis said, patting me on the shoulder, "I'll follow your lead." I already knew I was team leader, this was just a reminder to me, to everyone, that their fate rests on my shoulders. Levi raised an eyebrow at my thought. I mentally clarified for him. I know that's not what he's implying by it, but it's true nonetheless. One wrong call, one mistake on my end could be fatal to any of us.

I took another calming breath, "alright we need to get a look around the area and see a safe path to the protests." I said thinking out loud. I had thought up a few different ways to go about this beforehand, but which method was the best and would guarantee the most safety is what I had to figure out.

Looking around the group I mentally noted that we would definitely have to split into two or three groups when we got there, we need to all be within sight of each other, but we definitely can't be all together, too big of a risk. Good thing I had smaller teams planned just in case, but that's not important right now, right now I need to get us out of this alleyway unharmed and unnoticed.

The two best ideas I had taken a lot of power from different people each so I had to debate on which person's power to use. Who could use a lot of their power and still be able to use it later on? Hitch, or Erwin?

After taking a moment to weigh the pros and cons I went with Erwin. He's more skilled at using his power a lot and regaining control of it in short periods of time. Hitch, might not be able to do that as easily. However, if Erwin can't use his powers later on we may be trapped here, but if Hitch couldn't use her powers later on, especially at a bigger scale we could be caught or killed depending on how bad the situation is.

Either way would be bad, but I figured if we can't make a fast getaway with Erwin's we can have Hitch use hers and get enough distance to wait it out and give us more time to think of another plan.

"Escapist," I whispered, getting Erwin's attention, "I need you to put out a few different portals at the end of each alleyway, each facing one's side, the higher up the better."

He looked a little confused but did it anyway. Four little portals appeared in front of us so we could look through the other ends. I needed the portals up high to get a better vantage point to see as well as remain as undetectable as possible. Looking down both of the streets on each side I let out a frustrated breath as there were guards in every direction. I was about to try thinking up another plan when I saw something that made me smile. "There," I pointed through one of the portals in front of us, "is that another alley?"

"It seems so," Erwin mumbled looking through, "do you want me to do the same for that alley? three portals?"

"three," I corrected, "one to check out the actual alley as well as the other street, we can already see the guards on this street," I noted. It wouldn't be helpful to waste any unnecessary energy.

On it," he mumbled. He placed one through the portal that he was looking through and then after that, he was able to place the other two after getting a view of the alley.

"The alley is clear," I mumbled before looking back at the other portals to make sure the guards weren't approaching from either end of the new alley. Nope, fully clear. I double-checked the portals to the street behind us to make sure the guards haven't moved. "Shit." they were getting closer.

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