Surprise Guest

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Eren sat up and I felt as he ran a finger through my hair. "It's probably just Sasha checking in on you," Eren whispered. "I'll have her leave quickly. Come in!" He said

"Sasha wouldn't have knocked," I mumbled. I didn't even care who just walked in I just kept my face buried in Eren's chest.

"Oh," I heard someone say, and instantly I sat up and whipped my head around to the doorway. "I didn't mean to bother you," she said.

Of all the people I expected to be at our door, Rico wasn't one of them, yet here she stood in our doorway. "Um," was all I managed to say. I was going to tell whoever it was to fuck off, but I already almost fought her earlier, and she seemed to be a lot calmer now so maybe it's best to hear her out before fighting.

"I thought I should come in here and talk to you," she said looking at me. Her voice was a lot quieter than earlier.

"Okay," I just hesitantly sat up and waited for her to continue.

"Well, I wanted to say you were right, I had my head up my ass earlier. You made me realize that I was wrong and I owe you and those other two an apology. I was on edge and I let my emotions get the better of me and threw my rational thought out the window. I'm sorry, I'll try to keep a more open mind rather than jumping to conclusions." Her voice faded out as I watched her eyes drift down from my own to my chest. I looked down and realized she was staring at my scar.

"Apology accepted," I had to give her credit. Not everyone owns up to their mistakes like she did however, she's starting to piss me off for a different reason. "It's rude to stare, you know?" I said rolling my eyes. I'm just glad for once I wasn't my power didn't snap over to her thoughts instead they stayed focused on Eren's. I didn't need to hear the pitiful or judgmental thoughts.

"Huh," she said, snapping out of her thoughts. "Sorry, I've just never seen someone who had scars similar to mine."

Wait what. That's not what I was expecting. "Similar to yours?" I just heard myself repeat since my brain couldn't process fully what she had said until I repeated them.

She turned around and lifted her shirt showing some long gashes and burn marks on her back. The gashes on her back looked more organized than the ones on my chest. It didn't seem like they were there by accident, and those burn marks were obviously from cigarettes. She let her shirt fall back down and turned around. "I didn't mean to be rude, I was genuinely surprised," she shrugged.

"They do look similar," I mumbled. I didn't want to blurt out that mine were from a car accident since hers obviously were from some form of abuse.

"I assume they are from your power trigger," she asked quietly almost like she was debating about asking it. I just gave her a quiet nod and she closed her eyes and nodded back. "Mine too."

I felt my power snap to her thoughts as much as I tried to force it back to Eren's it was stuck on hers. I was watching the thoughts rush through her head as her memories flashed by. I could tell that talking about her scar triggered something because her thoughts went by so fast,/ Traumatic memories came rushing through yet I could understand all of them and the emotions that came with them.

I saw her with her parents at a young age and the next thing I saw was them holding money as she walked away with a random stranger feeling scared. The next few memories I saw were horrible, but from the next memory came in and with it, her venom bite and nails made their first appearance. She found out almost instantly when she killed their "client," after she bit him. When they found out she killed him she knew she was in danger when she overheard them talking about how they were going to "Get rid of" her. When they came to grab her. She decided it was now or never. She scratched the person who came to get her and they laid there dying on the floor as she freed the other children trapped there with her. With all the stress rushing through her, her second power triggered. She ended up freeing everyone and killing all of their captors with her poison gas.

She was living on the street for over a month when Nanaba found her. Nanaba took her home and gave her a place to stay. Hannes was apparently Nanaba's roommate. Well, that explains how those three know each other. Rico was only thirteen when all of that happened. My god, that's horrible.

Rico blinked and snapped out of her thoughts remembering that I could read minds. She looked up and was wondering if I happened to see any of that. I just gave her a little nod. I heard her next thought loud and clear. Shit sorry, you weren't supposed to see any of that shit. I'd stay out of my mind, it's a mess in here. "I should be heading back to my room," she mumbled before turning to leave without another word.

"Well that was weird," Eren mumbled. Our minute of silence and then her awkward expression probably confused him.

"Traumatic flashback," I mumbled.

"Oh that makes more sense," he mumbled. "Is she okay?"

"I think so," I shrugged, "she just apologized when she realized I could hear her thoughts, oh and one more thing," I sighed. "You won the bet."

"I knew it!" Eren said happily before realizing what that meant. "Wait a minute," his next thought was clear. Did whoever she killed deserve to die?

"Yes, 100 percent without a doubt, they all did," I mumbled.

"All? How many?" He asked a little more worried.

"A lot, but they were all-," I paused for a minute not wanting to air her dirty laundry, "horrible horrible people," I said changing my original words, but said them with just as much hate that I might as well have said them anyway. With how much hate just radiated off of me Eren instantly knew what I was talking about.

"Oh, well good I'm glad they got what was coming to them, filthy bastards," he mumbled before wrapping an arm around me.

I thought back to how Nanaba and Hannes took her in and some things started to make a lot more sense. Nanaba being the only one who can get her to quiet down, or how she would look to Nanaba every time something bad happened She sees Nanaba as a parental figure. It also explains why when Pixis told their group that two of them would have to share a room in order to be in the same area of the building, Hannes and Nanaba volunteered. They were already roommates at one point this was the same thing, but this time they didn't have a wall between them.

"I don't know what's got you so deep in thought, but you need to cut it out and get your ass to bed," Eren said pulling me back so I was laying down rather than sitting up. "If I have to deal with your grumpy ass for any longer you're going to be napping alone," he threatened.

"You can't do that," I pouted, "I need a pillow," I teased.

"Alright smartass," he rolled his eyes before getting up.

"No wait I'm sorry," I said and he looked back at me and then shook his head at me.

"Are you going to beg me to stay?" He asked with a devious smile.

"I don't need a pillow that bad," I said turning around.

"What!" he folded his arms.

"Fine, only because you want me too, but not because I need you or anything," I mumbled before turning around and looking him in the eyes. "Please stay for me," I pouted.

"Okay, but only because you begged," he said happily before laying back down next to me and pulling me close to him.

"Whatever," I mumbled before closing my eyes.

I felt his fingers run through my hair, "I love you baby sleep well," he whispered just before the world faded away.

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