Premature Celebrations

104 11 3

We counted down to three and everything happened so fast. All I remember was using my powers and seeing the others using their powers too. Xander's summoning powers helped hold up some of the rubble while Levi and I took most of the brunt force. Alastair's shadow helped hold some up, but it didn't feel like we did it long enough. We only managed to lift it for a few seconds before all of our powers started to fail. It was just too heavy. I just remember getting pulled backward and then it happened.

The loud crash that echoed through my ears as the ceiling caved in made my heart stop as I looked around. My eyes stung as all the dust shot up in the air. I couldn't stop coughing as my lungs felt like I was inhaling knives. I tried to catch my breath but I was panicking too much. Did we all live, are we all okay? No one got crushed, right? I looked to Levi first and sure enough, he was right there next to me, probably the one who pulled me out of the way. I felt a little relief pass over me as he gave me a nod telling me he was okay.

I looked at Quinn and Rico who were supposed to pull Nanaba out and I relaxed a little seeing all three of them laying on the floor. They were all coughing probably from the dust, but that means they are still breathing. It looks like they just narrowly missed getting crushed by the ceiling.

My eyes darted around the room where is Xander? I looked behind me and felt my whole body almost give out at the amount of relief that washed over me. He was sitting up on his elbows looking back at the rubble. The look of disbelief on his face was how I felt. For one everything is going right.

Alastair and Hassam were still safe, that's everyone. Everyone made it out. I let my body relax for a second as I plopped backward taking a deep full breath. I ignored the sting of the dust. I was too relieved to care for the moment.

"Uh guys, something's very wrong," Quinn said, and just like that, I was pulled out of my relief. I let my guard down for one second and sure enough, it was too early to celebrate. Of course, it is, why did I think that we would ever catch a break in this hell.

I sat up and looked at Quinn, "What's wrong?" I asked, forcing myself to my feet. I felt like all my energy was zapped away. I can't tell if it was from using too much of my powers or just one thing after another beating the last bit of energy I had left right out of me.

"This is a lot of blood," she said looking at her hands. "It's not mine." The last words came out as a whisper as she forced her eyes away from her hands. Her eyes landed on Rico who was also looking at her hands.

"Nanaba?" Rico's voice cracked as she looked up from her own bloody hands.

"I don't feel anything," Nanaba said, her voice getting weaker.

"Help me roll her over," Rico begged, her voice getting desperate. Quinn wasted no time helping her and I felt the last bit of hope get ripped from all of us.

There was so much blood coming from Nanaba's abdomen. This had to be a new wound or she would have bled out already. "Did she get cut on the rubble?" I asked, trying to figure out exactly what went wrong.

"I think the rubble was just stopping the blood flow, or at least slowing it down," Quinn said, placing her hands on the wound trying to stop the bleeding.

"No no no. This can't be happening, we just got her free. She's supposed to be safe now," Rico's voice was becoming more and more panicked.

"We have to get her out of here," Xander said quickly, running over to Hassam and picking him up. Hassam weakly clung to him as he helped him on his back. "Eren, grab Nanaba, we have to get moving now."

I pulled my jacket off so they could tie it around her wound to try and help. I don't know how much good it's going to do but we have to do something. Once it was tied I was about to pick her up when Rico pushed me aside. "I'll take her," she said and I wasn't going to fight her. She wasn't going to back down. She was determined to help her in any way she could.

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