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We kept walking while trying to make a plan of how we could get information. Ymir came up with the best idea of speaking sorta loud and saying have you heard what the curses are doing now and see what thoughts pop into people's minds about what we've supposedly done before, but even that could be reckless. It draws attention to us as well puts us in a corner if anyone actually asks what they've done.

"How about we keep brainstorming and we will consider that our backup plan," I suggested.

"Okay," she nodded as we both went back to the mental drawing board. We slowly walked down the sidewalk slowing our paces as we lazily strolled along without a place to be. I'm glad we left in the early morning so we didn't have to worry about the sun setting for several hours. "We need names," Ymir finally said.


"Well, if someone stops us we can't just say our actual names."

"If someone stops us we might have bigger problems if we can't show them any identification."

"Oh." Her voice came out a whisper as she realized that we were screwed in more ways than one if we were to get stopped.

I just took a deep breath and stopped walking. She turned to look at me stopping in her tracks to see what I was doing. I just leaned up against the wall and closed my eyes letting the sounds of the city swirl around me. It was a shame we didn't get this freedom more. I opened my eyes upon hearing sirens in the distance. My stomach dropped as they started getting slightly closer. "It's best if we keep moving," I whispered.

We saw a sign of hope in the distance. "Well ain't that a sight for sore eyes," Ymir said letting out a little chuckle. An old newspaper rack that still had some newspapers in it.

"I thought these things went extinct years ago," She mumbled.

We bought a newspaper and quickly scanned through it before coming across anything that had to do with exiles or the cursed. When we finally spotted an entry it was about how more and more exiles are starting to fight back more and more violently. My eyes went straight towards the middle of the article. "Group of exiles leaves multiple soldiers' heads on wooden stakes as a warning of what is to come." I read it out before looking at Ymir.

"That sounds like the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard, does it say where this supposedly happened?"

"Nope. it just says they were found just outside of town." I said scanning over the rest. Something else caught my eye as I looked for the location. "Among below the soldiers' heads were the mutilated bodies of civilians tied around the stakes," I read in even more disbelief than before.

"No one is safe," Ymir said as she started reading the last line of the article, "the exiles must be stopped at any cost."

We looked up at each other and our eyes locked. She was thinking the same thing as me. This can't be good. This is just one newspaper and we are already getting such horrendous stories like this. I mean this story is clearly bullshit, but ordinary people aren't going to see it that way. What else could they possibly be saying about us?

We filled up the newspaper and I slid it into my pocket so we didn't lose it. It bugged me that it was sticking out of my pocket and digging into my abdomen as I walked, but it couldn't be helped.

"Where else do we look?" Ymir asked knowing that this wasn't enough.

"There's a small drug store over there, do you have any money on you?" I asked.

She checked her pockets before pulling out a few dollars. It must have been from when we last did a grocery run. "Why getting hungry?" she asked.

"No, I don't know about you, but when I think of fake information that leads to brainwashing I think of magazines. They are bound to have something right?"

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