The Bias Vote

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I sat up in bed with a headache, it wasn't as bad as earlier, but it was still really annoying.

"Feeling better baby?" Eren asked as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"A little," I waited for my eyes to adjust before realizing that my stomach was hurting. "I'm really hungry though."

"Well, you slept all day without eating of course you're hungry," Eren threw his legs over the side of the bed and reached his hand out for me to take.

"All day? What time is it? It couldn't have been that long, it was just noon."

"It's like 7 hun."

"Seven? Why didn't you wake me up?" I jumped up and threw a shirt nearly tripping over my own feet.

"You looked like you really needed the sleep, and it's not like we have anything to do tonight or tomorrow morning."

"Still, I don't like sleeping the day away, do you know how hard it will be for me to fall asleep tonight?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that," Eren said coming up behind me putting his hands on my hips and whispering in my ear, "I'll keep you up all night long."

Oh yeah, that's right he won the bet. "Cocky little shit," I mumbled before shaking him off me. "Sex later food now." I started walking out of the room and he laced our fingers together happily as we headed to the dining area. I hope there's some food left.

"Mom set some aside for us don't worry," Eren said and I had to question who the real mind reader was for a moment. Eren if you can hear this you're a dumbass. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. Nope, he still has that goofy smile on his face. Guess it was just a lucky guess. I smiled to myself before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"What was that for?" He asked a little surprised but with a smile on his face.

"I love you, even if you make me question myself sometimes," I said laughing to myself.

"What is that supposed to me?"

"It means sometimes I have to try and figure out who the real mind reader is."

Eren just smiled, "Hey I can't help it. I know you so well that sometimes I just know what you're thinking."

"I guess you do," I said just as we made it into the dining room. There were still a few people who were finishing up their dinner. I glanced around until I spotted mom. She waved us over and we started walking up to her.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, giving me a smile.

"Better now."

"Good, good, I saved you both some food," she said handing us a bag with some takeout food.

"Smells, good," I blurted out.

"Molbit and I picked up the food earlier so sorry if it's a little cold. I just got you what you would normally get, I hope that's okay."

"It's perfect," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, mom." We headed over to one of the empty tables and plopped down to eat. Well, it was empty until Jean saw that we were here and instantly nudged Marco. They picked up their plates and plopped down on the other side of the table.

"Oh my god, you look horrible!" Jean said when he sat down. I just rolled my eyes waiting for him to finish. "Oh nevermind that's just your normal face."

"That was so funny I forgot to laugh," I said in my most deadpanned voice.

"What he means to say is how are you doing?" Marco said elbowing Jean a little.

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