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"We should head back to our room," I suggested. I mean we didn't exactly know what to do now. Everything was upside down. Almost everyone was struggling with some sort of backlash from the incident. Myself included. I didn't even know what was happening to me. I think this was the only sign of backlash I'm showing. I mean the tingling burning sensation in my fingers. It wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't unmanageable. I don't think I've noticed anything else that's off. I can't really remember, I mean it's possible I just overlooked something.

"I think that's a good idea," Jean said, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning his head on my shoulder. He looked exhausted. I can't tell if it's because he's still worn out from yesterday, or because of the meeting we just had.

Despite him agreeing with me he made it awfully hard to actually start heading towards the room. "You gonna let me go for five minutes so we can get to our room?" I asked playfully, poking the top of his head.

"I don't want to let go though," he mumbled. "Maybe I should just carry you."

"You can hold me all you want when we get back to the room," I laughed and shrugged his arms off. To his disappointment, he actually listened rather than just scooping me off my feet. We started heading towards the hallway that led to the rooms when a voice stopped us.

"Hey boys, how are you holding up?" We both turned to answer.

"Pretty good considering," I said, giving mom a warm smile. Jean just gave a nod of agreement. I could tell he was eager to get back to the room to just relax, and he didn't want to spend a lot of time talking.

"That's good, I was going to check in on Eren and Levi, but I guess they went to take a nap," she mumbled before turning her eyes back to us. "I'm going to go check in with the others, but before I do I want to make sure you're doing okay," she said looking directly at Jean.

"I'm fine," he said, just brushing her off. I get he might not be in the most talkative mood since he was tired, but I've never seen him just brush mom off like this before.

"Okay, I'm sorry about your arms hun, and if you need time to process anything, or to talk you know I'm always here right."

"Oh my god could you just fucking stop I don't need your help!" he raised his voice glaring her down.

I snapped my head around to look at him. What the hell. Jean's never- why is he yelling at mom. I snapped my eyes back to look at mom and she seemed equally as confused. She looked hurt, and I don't blame her that was totally out of line.

I looked back at him about to yell at him for being so rude when I saw the look on his face. He looked shocked that he had actually said that out loud. "I'm really sorry," he whispered out at first. "I didn't mean it, I'm just really tired and I guess I'm just a little grouchy from not getting enough sleep, and being sore. Thank you for your concerns, and again I'm really sorry I didn't mean it," he said again, opening his arms for a hug.

She nodded gladly, taking him up on his offer. She didn't look hurt by what he said anymore she just hugged him tight and said all was forgiven. When she let go of him she must have noticed that he still looked upset at himself for doing that and she ruffled his hair a little to get his attention and bring his mood up. With a big smile, she told him, "get some rest hun."

"I will, again I'm sorry it won't happen again."

She nodded and headed off to go check on the others. He looked back at me with shame in his eyes. "I can't believe I just snapped at mom," he shook his head. God, I'm an idiot.

"Let's just head back to the room," I said, putting my hand on his back where I knew he could feel it. He nodded and I guided him down the hallway and back to our room.

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