Making Teams

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We left the conference room and headed into Pixis's office. Shadis and Pixis took a seat on one side of the desk and Levi and I took a seat on the other.

"Here is the list of everyone who volunteered for the raid. We need to make teams from this. Do you think you can do it?"

"Well, I'm assuming these teams are rough draft teams since we don't know where the other exiles will fit just yet."

"Exactly so feel free to change these up as much as you'd like. Just spitball any ideas you may have." Pixis smiled.

"Well, let's see how many people we have." I looked at the list and counted up all the names on it. "So far we have 20 people not including the group of other exiles that are joining us. So if we want even groups as of right now we can have five groups of four or four groups of five."

"What do you think is better?" Pixis asked looking at me.

"Well, I think that we should do four groups of five. I think it will be safer to have five people in a group."

"More people to have your back," Levi said backing me up.

"Okay, so groups A, B, C, and D," Pixis said writing that down on a piece of paper.

"Well we can break everyone down into groups based on what roles they will play in the mission," I suggested.

"Explain," Shadis said leaning forward a little with a confused look.

"Well," I paused for a moment as I looked at everyone's powers. I had to figure out how to explain this to them. Levi pushed a piece of paper closer to me.

I thanked him and wrote down everyone's names again. "So we have the people who are essential to the mission, people who are fighters, people who are background fighters, people who are defenders and people who need defending," I said before turning the paper towards them. Some people fall under multiple categories."

"I don't think I follow," Pixis said looking at the list of names.

I turned the paper back around towards me, "Remember my plan from earlier?" I asked and they both nodded. "Well, if we use that as an example, say Mina agreed then she would become an essential part of the plan. Erwin would be an essential part of the plan because he's our way there and our way back. Hanji would be essential because she can heal people."

"Okay and what about the other things you said?" Pixis asked, wanting me to elaborate more.

"Well, some people's powers work really well for fighting. For example Jean's fire. While some people's powers work better for defense like Annie's. Some could even be both. Like Sasha's doubles could easily fight but could also defend by shielding people. People who need defense are maybe people who are essential or background fighters."

"And what do background fighters do?" Pixis asked.

"Well, background fighters are the people who aren't fighting hand to hand combat but are still fighting. For example Ymir or Christa."

"I can sort of understand why Ymir would be considered that but Christa?" Pixis questioned.

"Well, she isn't the type to run up and punch someone in the face, however, her power makes it easy for her to fight people without ever laying a finger on them."

"In his thoughts, he has me classified as a background fighter as well as a normal fighter," Levi said, pretty much begging for me to explain why.

"Well, you can easily use your telekinesis against someone in a fight, but you could also use your empath abilities so-," I let my voice drift out as he nodded his head.

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