Raid Volunteers

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Pixis opened the door to the conference room and let everyone in. I walked in the room hand in hand with Levi feeling a lot better about this raid especially now that Pixis heard and liked a few of my ideas. The sooner we finish planning this mission the sooner we can save Ilsa and the others.

We need to save her and when we do I will take more time to hang out with her and get to know her more. I'm just mad that we had to find her in a correctional camp for me to remember how amazing she is as a person.

"Ijusthpetesmepsn" Levi mumbled. He looked drained probably from the drill earlier. He was starting to zone out a little and I could feel the exhaustion pouring off of him.

"What was that baby?" I asked, giving his hand a light squeeze. He still looked mentally checked out.

"I just hope she's the same person," he mumbled a little more clearly this time.


"Well who knows how long she's been in the camp and how much torture she's endured because of them," his own words seemed to snap him back to reality. "I mean. Shit. Did I say that out loud?"

"I didn't even think about that," I whispered before my thoughts started racing. Torture changes people. What if she's been there for months. What if she forgets about the person she used to be, wait she can't forget she has perfect memory recall, but wait that means no matter what she can remember all the torture the put her through.

"Babe, I'm sorry I didn't mean to blurt that out. Please try not to think about it too much. She's strong. I'm sure she will be okay." I could tell he didn't even fully believe what he was saying and he was scared too, but I could also tell he was worried about scaring me.

"You're right, she's strong, I'm sure she will be just fine, we just need to get this mission going," I said lying to myself for the sake of both of our sanity.

Levi nodded before grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. We watched as the last few people took their seats. "Alright, let me take everyone's names down," Pixis said looking around the room. There were so many people in here that some were standing up against the back wall.

He mumbled the names to himself as he wrote them down. He started with Shadis and himself. "Erwin, Hanji, Eren, Levi, Sasha, Connie, Mikasa, Annie, Armin, Jean, Marco, Christa, Ymir, Reiner, Berthold, Hanna, Franz, and lastly Mina." He said finishing off the names.

I looked around and noticed only a few people missing. Mom, Molbit, Mike, Eld, Petra, and Auruo were the only ones who I couldn't see.

"They aren't the mission type," Levi whispered.

Makes sense most of their powers aren't fit for this type of mission, and two of them don't even have powers. I thought to myself.

"Alright, so what we have to do is figure out when and how," Pixis continued.

"Well don't we have to ask other groups of exiles to help us?" Hanji asked.

"Auruo actually contacted a few groups already, and one volunteered to help us and we gave them a place to lay low for a while. They are a smaller group so they are following our lead; they just need to know when we are planning to act, and what the plan is. They should actually be arriving any day now." Pixis answered and I looked around the room.

I guess I wasn't the only one feeling utterly confused. This is going to be interesting. I mean we've never let strangers into our base, but now we've let two separate groups in the same week. First civilians, and now other exiles I can't help but worry a little.

"I'm sure everything will be okay. Pixis wouldn't let them in if he didn't trust them," Levi whispered to me, but I could tell he was worried too.

"Now we've been trying to figure out how to go about this raid, however, earlier Eren came up with an idea that we would like to run by you all," he said gesturing for me to come up to the front.

I stood up and walked to the front of the room where he gestured for me to stand. "Well, I noticed some of the main issues the main one being how heavily guarded the outside of the camp was. I noticed there are fewer guards on the inside and our main problems are the cameras. So I figured that if we can get in the camera room and knock out all the cameras without alerting anyone we can start the raid from the inside of the camp and avoid a big chunk of the guards."

"How do you plan on knocking out the camera's," Jean asked he sounded genuinely interested in the plan.

"Well, we have a few different ways planned for that, but I would like to check with the people to make sure they are okay with doing this before I say anything," I explained. The last thing I wanted to do was force someone to do something they aren't comfortable with and putting them on the spot is doing more harm than good.

"What are some of the other issues you noticed?" Reiner asked. He didn't seem like he was being as stuck up as usual. Instead he was actually paying attention to what I was saying and asking questions.

"Well, I realized that we would have trouble communicating and following instruction from Pixis if we can't hear him."

"So how did you come up with a way to fix that?" he asked.

"Well I suggested that we split into smaller teams. We take our main orders from Pixis, but he chooses team leaders that he feels would best be able to lead and we go from there. Divide and conquer."

"I choose the team leaders?" Pixis whispered to me he sounded a little surprised. "That's a stressful job."

"We still need to know when this is happening," Shadis cleared his throat.

"Well, I figured we would get you all acquainted with the exiles that will be joining us before we decided. Someone of them might have some useful powers that can change our plans drastically," Pixis said before turning towards me. "Until then we will continue to bounce around ideas. You guys are dismissed, however, Eren and myself will be in contact with you all."

Everyone got up and started leaving the room as Pixis turned to me, "I want you to talk to people who are involved in your plans, but I'm also going to need your help."

"My help? With what?"

"Well, you said I get to choose the team leaders right? Well, I need your help choosing them. You're really good at making teams and plans. So I need you to help me choose team leaders and the teams that go with them."

That's not at all what I expected. I don't know if I'm up for that big of a task. I usually base them off powers and how they interact with each other, but I don't know everyone as well as Pixis must think I do. I looked at Levi for some help. Maybe he could talk Pixis out of it. "What do you think about this Levi?" I asked.

"I think that's a great idea," Levi said grabbing my hand before leaning in and whispering, "I know you're worried, but you'll do great babe."

You're no help. I thought to him before turning back to Pixis. "Okay, let's get started I guess," I said, giving him an awkward smile.

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