Plan? What Plan?

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The rest of the night was very slow and I could tell despite Hassam's honest answers to questions, that he couldn't lie about even if he physically wanted to, mostly everyone still didn't trust him. You'd think they would believe the one person who could read minds, but they are a bunch of stubborn bastards. There were a few exceptions, but no one really wanted to come up and talk to him. It was just us and him sitting at a table in the common room. Well, Jean and Marco were here too, but I can tell by their thoughts they are only here because of us. Jean's thoughts were loud and clear; he didn't trust him, but he trusted us. Marco's thoughts were a little more guarded and hidden which was enough to tell me he didn't trust him either. If he actually goes to the effort of censoring his thoughts and trying to hide his feelings about things from me I already know his stance on it.

I felt the hand holding mine give me a squeeze. I looked at Eren who just stared back at me for a moment. You good? His thoughts had asked.

"Just zoning out," I mumbled back leaning my head on his shoulder.

"You're still tired huh?" he asked. Despite not being able to see it I could tell he glared at Jean.

"Hey, I was just doing what Pixis asked," he said, raising his hands in defense.

"Lies," Marco scoffed, "he said when they wake up, not wake them up."

"Same thing."

I felt an argument starting so before Eren could even respond I changed the subject, "So do we know when we are supposed to talk to Pixis about the other plan?" I asked looking more towards Eren and Hassam.

"Other plan?" Jean asked. "The last thing you all need is another secret mission. Spill."

"It's not a secret," I rolled my eyes.

"Then why aren't you telling us?" He asked.

"Because we haven't planned anything yet," I rolled my eyes. How long are they going to stay suspicious of us?

"I mean there's nothing to tell yet. We are all just trying to figure out when and what to do. Once we figure it out we will tell everyone, you can hold us to that," Eren mumbled.

"I will be," Jean grumbled.

"Maybe we should go check in with him right now?" I asked. I mean it's not like we're doing anything else. We're just sitting on our asses as Jean and Eren are starting petty arguments.

"Okay, then if it's not a secret then we are coming to," Jean said standing up.

"No we aren't," Marco rolled his eyes. "They said they would tell us later, and besides if you and Eren stay in the same room another 5 seconds either you will kill each other, or Levi and I will kill you."

"Thank god someone has some common sense," I laughed patting Marco on the back as I stood up.

"We aren't going to kill each other," Jean and Eren both said while rolling their eyes.

"Oh, look at that they can agree on something," I said as I started walking away. Hassam following close behind me. Eren had also gotten up to follow us.

"If they hate each other so much why are they always hanging around each other?" he whispered to me.

"They don't hate each other, believe it or not, they are best friends."

The look of shock that crossed his face was priceless. "Best friends?" He asked, making sure he heard me right.

"Yup, they aren't always this bad... no scratch that, they are always this bad," I laughed.

"Not always," Eren corrected, "just most of the time."

We stopped just outside Pixis's office to hear Shadis yelling at him. Well, I guess not all of us escape the lectures for the day. I wonder if that's the only one he's got. I figured he took the bullet for us so we had to save him from this. I knocked and the room went dead quiet as Pixis told us to come in.

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