Somethings Wrong

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I put my mask on and watched as Reiner did the same. Pixis, Thomas, and Franz walked up and I looked at all of them trying to read the situation. Pixis was the only other one in costume. "Are you supposed to be our backup?" Reiner asked before I could.

"Yes." He answered plainly.

How did he expect to teleport in to help us? Once Franz uses his power he will probably take the full hour to recharge and be able to use his power again. Anything before that there's no guarantee he will be able to hold it long enough to make a difference. As it is with his power we only have about a ten-minute window. What happens if Pixis has to be sent in and then Franz is unable to use his power a third time in that short period of time?

"And Thomas?" I asked trying to figure out why he was here.

"He is going to link Franz, me, and you so you can contact me in case things go sideways, or when you need Franz to open the portal again. Franz will be inside of Erwins room as soon as the portal closes here." Pixis explained.

"You don't have to worry about us too much Shadis and I got this don't we?" Reiner asked, giving my arm a nudge as he smiled.

I hope. "We will make this as quick as possible." I nodded.

"Alright, open the portal Franz," Pixis nodded to him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before opening the portal. It took him a minute probably since I think he was remembering the location they had told him. He opened his eyes just as the portal finished opening.

"There we go," he mumbled.

Thomas quickly used his powers to connect us and I mentally prepared myself for what I was walking into. I had to protect Reiner. I can't let one of the kids get hurt because I'm not strong enough to protect him.

I was about to walk through when I felt a hand on my arm. I looked back and saw it was Pixis's. "Good luck out there," he said before letting his hand fall away from me. I could tell he didn't want us to go. He wanted to call off the mission then and there.

I just gave him a nod back. I didn't know what else to say. I mean I agreed with him this mission was dangerous and I would rather have no one go at all, but if I didn't go I knew he would.

Before I could say anything else Reiner walked through the portal. I just forced myself to follow. When we were through Reiner took a look around before sticking his hand back through giving them the thumbs up. The portal closed behind us as we started walking.

We weren't that far away and after walking for a while we finally found where they would be. We arrived a little early and hid where we thought we would be safe and kept our head down until it was time. We kept an eye out and stayed perfectly quiet listening to any noise we heard to make sure we weren't found. When we started to hear voices and footsteps in the distance we knew it was time.

We quietly started to move closer in until we had a good line of sight. We stayed put as two more guards started to walk up. They must be the ones that are joining for the transfer. Everything seems normal enough I don't see anyone else. Maybe this isn't a trap.

"So what do you say? I think we can take em," Reiner whispered to me.

Something still felt off about this. Why do they have only four guards? Are they planning on transferring them by foot? Is there a camp nearby that we didn't know about?

"I don't know yet." I need to decide fast. Is the feeling of something being off because there's something actually off or because we were convinced beforehand that this was a trap? Am I just overthinking things here?

"Well we are going to have to make the decision is now or never. They are starting to move," he said and I knew I had to make a choice then and there. Give up right here or continue on with the mission as planned.

"Alright, I'll take the guards in the back you get the ones in the front," I said making the choice to continue on with the mission.

"Okay, how do you want to do this? Do you want to take them out first? At the same time?"

"I'll take mine out first when they go down. You go for the other two I'll help if needed I should be done dealing with the two in the back by then."

"Okay, but I won't need help," he said confidently.

"Follow my lead," I said and we started to walk forward.

"What's taking them so long?" I mumbled practically pacing back and forth. Shadis's last update was that they were proceeding with the mission with caution. It's been 5 minutes now I should have heard from him by now.

"Hey get back in your damn room you idiot!" I heard Annie yelling behind me.

"I can't lay there any longer. I need to be out here for when he comes back." Berthold said before walking up to me. "Pixis, do you know how long they were supposed to be gone?" he asked me. I could tell he was worried.

"I mean there wasn't a specific time they were scheduled to be back by, but last contact was just a few moments ago and everything seemed to be going just fine," I said trying to reassure him.

Annie walked up and started threatening Berthold until he sat down and leaned against the wall for support. I just ignored them and focused on waiting for something... anything to come through. I'm starting to worry now. He was giving me constant updates and all of a sudden they stopped. Did something happen? Should I go in after them?

Just as I was about to march over to where Franz was and have him send me in I heard Shadis's voice in my head. "Mission was a success we will let you know when we are back in position for the portal."

Relief washed over me, "the mission was a success they will be heading back in a few minutes." I said reassuring Berthold that everything was okay.

"Oh good," he smiled letting his head fall back and lean against the wall. He closed his eyes and I saw as his muscles relaxed.

I just stood there waiting for Franz or Shadis to check in and say that they were portalling back. I knew it would take them a few minutes to get back to the extraction area. The minutes seemed to drag on for forever. They sure are taking a long time getting back. They sure do like taking their time with things tonight it seems.

A few more minutes dragged on and I was starting to worry again. I'm sure they are fine right? I mean they just checked in. They probably just got a little turned around heading back. I'm sure they will check in any second now.

After a few more minutes dragged on I knew I wasn't imagining this anymore. Somethings wrong. I asked Shadis for an update and when I got no answer I started to worry. Could Thomas's power have worn off already?

No, I can still hear you. Franz said, answering back. Something's wrong. Something's definitely wrong.

Before I could run to where Franz was he came in and met me in the common area. "I'm sending you in to check it out." He whispered trying not to worry anyone else in the room.

I quickly put my mask on as he opened the portal. I ran straight through and took off running in the direction they were supposed to head to for the mission. I didn't bother with the stealth aspect. I knew something was wrong and I had to get there fast.

When I finally made it to where they were I told Franz to open the portal showing him a mental image so he knew where exactly I needed it. Guards were charging forward at them from every direction. Damn, it was a trap. When I got to them I saw what had gone down. I had no time to process what happened. I just pulled my eyes away and I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him through the portal telling Franz to shut it behind us.

Right as we came through a guard stuck his head and hand through to try and grab at us just as the portal closed. His head and arm hit the floor with a thud as they were severed. His head rolling towards Franz's feet.

"Did-did I just-did I just kill a man?" He asked, staring at the head with a pure look of horror on his face.

I quickly put my hand over his eyes trying to do damage control, but there was so much more damage that couldn't be fixed. Not only would Franz be traumatized for life by this, but there was so much more wrong with what just happened. They were too busy staring at the head to realize that only one person came back through the portal with me.

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