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"Well that was weird," I heard that Eren guy say right as I leaned up against the wall to catch my breath.

"Traumatic flashback," Levi said right after. I rolled my eyes, well why don't you just tell the whole world. Whatever, I don't even care that much. Tell everyone I don't give a shit.

I took a deep breath. I didn't want to stay here any longer than needed. Not to mention eavesdropping is the last thing I want to do. It's so pathetic. I tried to move away from the wall and found my legs frozen in place. There's no use, I can't move. I can barely keep my breathing in check, but my muscles all tensed up and refused to release.

Just breath Rico you're fine stop being a little bitch I told myself over and over again until I believe it. Or that was the plan at least.

"Oh that makes more sense," I heard Eren say. "Is she okay?"

I'm doing fucking fabulous not that he should care.

"I think so, she just apologized when she realized I could hear her thoughts." I felt my legs relax a little and I managed to move away from their room. Finally, all I have to do is apologize to the other two and I can spend the rest of this miserable day inside the room away from everyone.

I walked down the long hallway hoping I was heading the right way. Pixis had told me where I could find each of the rooms, but the long row of rooms seemed to blend together as I walked down them. Was this one Molbit's or was it the next one? Did I already pass it?

They said third from the end on the left side is Molbit's and on the right side was Ms. Magnolia. Is this the third room? I can't tell my head is pounding my heart is racing and I'm still having trouble catching my breath. I'm so dizzy and the room is spinning. I closed my eyes for a quick second to try and get my head straight. Knock it off Rico you're fine I told myself.

"You okay? You don't look too good hun," I heard a voice behind me right as I tried to turn around I passed out. Guess I was too stubborn to realize I was hyperventilating so much that I wasn't getting enough oxygen.

I shot up and opened my eyes. "Where am I," the words left my mouth before I could look around the room. I was in a room, in a bed. This wasn't my room and wasn't my bed.

"You passed out just outside my door," I heard the same voice that came through right before I lost consciousness.

"Ms. Magnolia?" I asked rubbing at my eyes that were still trying to focus in the dark room. "What time is it?" I asked. I thought it was around noon. Why is it so dark. I looked around and realized the lantern in the room was turned at the lowest setting and there were no windows. That's right there's not a lot of natural light around the rooms.

"It's only been a few minutes since you blacked out," she said, taking a seat on the other bed in the room. "I carried you in here so you wouldn't wake up on the floor.

"Oh, thanks," I mumbled.

"How's your head?" She asked. She started to lean forward and reached a hand out to me before hesitantly pulling it back and putting it back down at her side. "You fell to the floor so fast you scared me half to death."

"I'm okay." Definitely not. My head was pounding before I passed out, but this is so much worse. I stood up and cleared my throat. "Um, I actually came here to apologize to you and Molbit about how I was acting earlier. I was being an ass."

"Apology accepted," she smiled. That was easy. Too easy. Who forgives people that quickly? And why does she have two beds in her room? Ya know what I don't care right now I just want to get this over with so I can head back to my own room.

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