Playing Dirty

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After talking with Pixis, Shadis and Nanaba we scheduled the missions two days apart from each other. The first one starts tomorrow night. We started with the desert mission since that one had a more solid plan than the other. We went to tell the others when their missions were scheduled and they all were relieved that it was sooner rather than later, even Petra seemed to be relieved to be getting it done and out of the way rather than having to dwell on it for a week first.

After dinner, we decided to get in a few sparring matches before bed. We had Jean and Marco spot us to help keep score. We've been doing nothing but sparring these last few weeks since its all we could do to keep our mind off of everything. Before we started we were at 10-11. I was one above Levi since in our last match I managed to knock him out of the circle in the very beginning through a strategy that I never thought would actually work.

"That's because you cheated," Levi rolled his eyes as we walked into the sparing circle. "As the countdown started you leaned in and gave me a kiss and the second they said go you flung me out of the circle with a gravity field."

"It was smart right?" I asked with a big smile.

"It was rude," Levi crossed his arms.

"It was pretty smart," Jean said and I saw Marco glare at him.

"Jean if you try that on me I will give you frostbite the next time I suck your dick," Marco mumbled and both me and Levi gave each other big smiles as we tried not to laugh.

"Noted," Jean mumbled in a scared tone.

We took a few breaths and Levi helped me put on my braces before backed away from each other and gave Jean a nod.

"Three... two... one... Spar!"

Jean said and instantly I felt my body get pulled towards Levi's. Interesting, he usually starts by trying to throw me out of the ring not pull me towards the middle. I felt the pull on my body stop as we stood face to face. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into the kiss.

If this is a way of you getting payback ya know what I don't really mind. I grabbed onto him tight so He couldn't throw me out of the ring.

"Get a room," Jean yelled from outside the circle.

I felt as Levi started walking me backward. He's trying to get me to walk out of the ring. I'm almost tempted to let him. Almost. I flipped the gravity and pinned him to the ceiling before breaking the kiss to give him a smug smile.

"Come on if you want payback you have to try harder than that."

"Maybe I didn't want payback I just wanted to kiss you?" He said but I didn't believe him especially not with that devious smile. "Or maybe it was all part of the plan," he said and I instantly felt what he meant. We both started falling to the floor as Levi's powers caught us. He instantly sent me down outside of the circle.

"What happened?" Jean asked.

Levi just started laughing as I sat on the floor embarrassed. "Now that is cheating," I said, pulling my legs up to my chest to try and hide.

"It's not cheating I just simply took both of our emotions and amplified them before putting them all on you," he shrugged.

"What emotions made you stop dead in your tracks like that?" Marco asked and Jean instantly caught on.

"You made him pop a boner," he cried out in laughter, "now that is playing dirty," he said clapping his hands together as he laughed so hard he was having trouble breathing.

"Oh shut up," I rolled my eyes. "Now do you mind?" I looked at Levi desperately.

"Oh right I should probably stop using my powers on you," he laughed.

"Ya think." I felt everything go back to normal, well mostly everything, as Levi pushed a calm emotion onto me. It was gonna take a few minutes for everything to calm down so I suggested Jean and Marco take a turn.

Jean and Marco took a few minutes to prepare while Levi walked up and sat on the ground next to me. "Now we're even," he shrugged. "In both ways cause now we are back to being tied up," he said smugly.

"You guys are just lucky we were the ones spotting you could you imagine pulling that stunt in front of Pixis or Erwin?" Jean laughed.

"Pulling what stunt?" I heard Pixis's voice ask from behind us and I felt my blood run cold. Jean you dumbass just had to say something.

"Um, I don't think we want to know," I heard Nanaba say. I turned around and saw them standing near the doorway.

"I hope we aren't interrupting anything we just figured we would watch you guys spar, but maybe that was a bad idea," he asked looking at us for permission.

"It's okay we've got all of our delinquent activities out of the way," Levi said trying to hold in a laugh.

"You mean you've got all your delinquent activities out of the way," I crossed my arms throwing him under the bus.

"As long as you don't hurt each other too bad I could care less how you get each other out of the circle." Pixis shrugged.

"Even if you are fighting dirty," he said with a smile. That's when all four of us collectively realized he heard more than we thought.

My face went as red as a tomato and Levi was sitting there still laughing to himself. Man, I remember when we first started dating and he was the one embarrassed about all of this stuff. What happened to that guy? I mentally asked.

"You corrupted him," he whispered in my ear and I felt a chill run down my spine and go straight to my-.

"Would you stop using your damn power on me! I'm still trying to calm down from the last time you did," I mumbled and rolled my eyes.

"I didn't even use it on you that time," he said with a smile before leaning in and whispering again, "glad to know you are just that easily excitable all I have to do is whisper in your ear."

I felt another shiver run down my spine before hitting his arm with the back of my hand. "Knock it off," I glared.

"Whenever you guys are done flirting, we are ready to start," Jean teased."

"Before I could tell him to shut the hell up Levi started the countdown.

"Three... two... one... Spar!" He said and they started.

"What's there scores?" Pixis asked, walking over to us. I just made sure to keep my legs pulled close to me.

"Marco 14 Jean 15," Levi answered.

Jean aimed his fire at Marco's feet trying to get him to back out of the ring when Marco put an ice wall between them to give him some time to think. Instantly Jean melted it only to see Marco wasn't there. While Jean took a moment to melt the wall Marco had slipped around it. He made it behind him and before Jean could whip around to face him Marco had already struck. He froze all the water on the floor that Jean had melted before using his ice to shove him quickly, sending him sliding out of the circle.

"That was a cheap shot," Jean laughed as Marco walked over and helped him up.

"Hey, it worked," Marco shrugged.

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