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We were going to do a few more rounds, but I had to call it early because after Levi's little stunt I just couldn't calm down.

Jean and Marco decided to do another round and I felt a spike of frustration quickly come and go. That wasn't mine. Levi's frustrated? Why? I felt really tired all of a sudden and let out a yawn before hearing Levi do the same. He turned to Pixis, "Hey I think Eren and I are getting tired, do you mind spotting them? Were going to head to bed."

"Sure, goodnight guys."

I felt the sudden tiredness disappear and looked at Levi to see what he was thinking. He just helped me off the floor and gave me a smile before we started walking towards our room. I ended up walking holding my jacket in my hands in front of me.

We headed to our room feeling rather accomplished. We got some practice in, well if you could even call it that, and not only did we plan everything out, but now we have 4 missions coming up. Two recon missions and two raids. It was both exciting and frightening.

"Everything will go smoothly," I told myself more trying to convince myself than anything.

"Everything will go smoothly because you came up with the plans," Levi said as we walked into the room.

"I hope you're right," I sighed before plopping down on the bed.

"Now, you want to explain why you made us go to bed early? I'm not even tired?" I asked.

"Oh you will be when I get done with you," Levi said and I sat up only to see him already shirtless walking towards me.

"Oh fuck yes," I blurted out without even thinking.

"What did you really think I would just leave you hanging?" Levi asked his hand already on my thigh.

I couldn't even find the words to respond. All of my thoughts left my head as I focused on where he was touching. His hand slowly moving up my thigh closer and closer until- "fuck you." I blurted out when he moved his hand off of my thigh and up to my face.

"What?" he asked with that stupid smug smile of his.

"I hate you."

"Sure you do," he laughed, "I'll have you screaming how much you love me in a little while." I just rolled my eyes and looked away from his stupid pretty face. I want to tease that smug little smile off of his face.

"You can sure try, but I don't think you will get very far," he said and before I could even argue with him I felt his lips on mine as he pushed me down on the bed. One hand was on my chest slowly sliding under my shirt while his other was pulling me deeper into the kiss.

Fuck him I can't even argue he makes it to hard.

"That's not the only thing I make hard," he breathed, pulling away from the kiss before pulling my shirt over my head and throwing it aside.

"I remember when you were innocent, what happened to that?"

"I was never innocent, I was just embarrassed."

"Still, you don't get embarrassed in front of me anymore?" I almost felt a little offended by that.

"It's hard to be embarrassed in front of you when we spend every second of the day with each other, seen each other naked more times than we can count, and when I can literally read your mind whenever I want. I am so desensitized to the feeling of embarrassment that I usually have to feel it through someone else now."

"I mean I've seen you embarrassed a few times. Like when You accidentally told Pixis off."

"That's different," he rolled his eyes. "That's more of a fear response, not embarrassment. Besides you don't get embarrassed in front of me either."

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