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It's time. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I mean I know I'm used to putting myself in dangerous positions for the sake of the truth, but this is the first time that I've been worried about my own government killing me. I know I will have backup, but the thought of standing in front of a crowd of people one second and being dead is something I couldn't get out of my head. I mean snipers are a thing. I don't know how far the government is willing to go to get rid of me. I mean they want me dead, but will they be willing to kill me in front of hundreds of people? Not to mention people will be recording hundreds of thousands of people who would see it. It wouldn't be something they can easily cover-up.

I took a deep breath and walked into the common room. Pixis greeted me with a welcoming smile. He looked ready to go. "Are you going to?" I asked, realizing he wasn't the only one. Shadis, Hanji, and Annie were also ready to go.

"We're your backup. If something goes wrong and these three," he motioned to Mikasa, Sasha, and Erwin, "can't handle it then they will call us in."

"Oh I remember Eren saying something about that," I nodded before realizing Eren wasn't here, and neither was Levi. "Where is he?"

"They are going to be sitting this one out," Pixis nodded. I wonder if something happened because I know they were supposed to be part of the backup, but I guess they are busy at the moment?

"Okay," I took a deep breath and put on a normal black mask, and watched as the others did the same.

"This feels weird," Sasha said awkwardly, slipping on the black mask.

"I know they aren't our normal masks, but they'll have to be. The last thing we need is to draw attention to ourselves," Mikasa mumbled.

"I know but my checkered one is way cuter," Sasha mumbled before making some doubles of herself. Nanaba quickly styled their hair differently. Their clothes were already different from Sasha's which was weird. I couldn't process how she did that. With the masks on it was harder to see that the face was the same anyway. It helped that Nanaba put different contacts on the three different clones.

After that was taking care of, Pixis made eye contact with me, "you ready?"

"I guess so," I mumbled.

"Good, Mikasa, you're the mission leader." He handed her a burner phone.

"What does that mean?"

"It means she has full say over the plans made, if something goes wrong everyone will be following her lead."

"Hopefully nothing will go wrong," Mikasa said, patting my shoulder before looking at Pixis.

"I will be making some changes to the plan before we go in," she said and Pixis raised an eyebrow. "We can't use code names for obvious reasons, but I don't think it's good to use our real names. I'm giving everyone fake names for the mission."

I backed away cause that didn't apply to me. Everyone out there already knows my name so giving me a fake name wouldn't do anything.

"I'll keep them close to our actual names so it's easier to remember, Sasha, for this mission you are now Sarah, Erwin, you will now be Edman, I'll be Michelle," she said looking at everyone. "Got it?"

"Got it," they responded.

"That's a good idea," I heard Pixis whisper.

"Alright everyone ready to go?"

We all nodded and she gave Erwin the go-ahead to open a portal. We were a few blocks from where the protests are. "Alright, this next part is going to be the trickiest," she whispered to me. "We have to get there without being spotted.

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