Checking In

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It was getting pretty late and I was tired after everything that happened. Jean stayed back a minute to check on me after everyone else left. Levi left the room for a minute to talk to Marco and to give us some privacy.

Jean helped me take off my braces and unwrapped my arms before helping me see if there was any damage actually done, or if it was just aching from the previous damage. Alright press against my hand I did just that there was only a slight pain in my wrist still. He did a few more tests.

"It feels the same as before, I don't think I did any damage."

"This time," Jean mumbled angrily, "for god's sake Eren next time make sure you are wearing your braces."

"I will."

"That's what you said the last time, and the time after that, and the time after that. I swear if you do it again I'm going to smack the shit out of you."

"It was my fault this time," Levi said walking back in with Marco. "I'm the one that challenged him and I should have been paying more attention."

"No, you're not his babysitter," Jean rolled his eyes, "sure it would be nice if you watched out for him too, but the responsibility doesn't fall on you alone," Jean said flicking his eyes over to me and glaring me down.

"Aren't you being a little harsh on him babe," Marco asked cutting in.

"Well excuse me if I want my best friend to be able to actually use his hands after all this finally ends," he said and the room went quiet. "Can I talk to him alone? He asked a little quieter.

Marco and Levi both nodded and left the room again. "Look I know I'm being selfish by saying this, but I can't help it. I want to marry Marco, I don't think that's much of a secret, but it has to be after all this is over right now is no time for a wedding. However when that day finally comes I want you to be my best man, and I want you to be able to actually raise a glass and make a toast. I want you to be able to actually move your hands and arms but if you keep this up then that won't happen."

I couldn't help but smile. He's trying to make it sound selfish to ignore that he actually cares about me. I opened my arms and I saw a look of horror appear on his face. "You get a hug for that one."

"Why must you torture me?"

"Come on bring it in," I said wrapping my arms around him. His arms reluctantly came up around me. I gave him a tight hug and when he thought I couldn't see his face I saw a slight smile slip onto it. When I let go of him his arms lingered around me for an extra second before he switched his face back to an annoyed one.

"I hate when you do that," he huffed.

"Sure you do," I laughed before we stood up. We walked out and gave Marco and Levi a nod before walking them back to their room.

We did our check-in with them first since we were there. "So how are you guys feeling tonight?" I asked and Jean just rolled his eyes.

"You can skip all that emotional shit we're fine," he said before shoeing us out. We looked to Marco who gave us a nod that they were both doing fine before we headed out to make the rest of our rounds. We went to Annie and Mikasa's room next. It was easier to check off the rooms with multiple people first.

We knocked and there was a long pause and some rustling on the other side of the curtain before we were told to come in.

We came into the room and saw Annie and Mikasa looking at us like they were a deer in headlights. "Sorry," I said awkwardly.

"Looks like we're interrupting," Levi laughed before looking to me. "I think they are okay," he said before walking out of the room.

"Yup we're good," Mikasa said awkwardly.

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