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I sat on the bed awkwardly staring at my shoes. I couldn't imagine what was even going on in that room. They all looked very angry with Pixis. Maybe I was right, maybe I shouldn't have come. I'm intruding. As much as I wanted to get up and leave I knew I couldn't. I'm too much of a coward. Leaving this place would surely be the death of me. I'm not strong, I can't fight, and I know I'm not the most observant. I wouldn't even know if someone was trailing me or not.

When I finally got up the courage to stand up there was a knock at my door. I held my breath for a moment before forcing out a "come in."

"Hey Hassam," Pixis said poking his head in, "Sorry about all that they're quite pissed off at me at the moment."

"I shouldn't be here," I forced myself to say while I still had the courage to do so."

"Nonsense, people are trying to kill you out there," he said and I felt my breath catch. I mean he's right, but I'm overstepping by being here. "If you're worried because they are a little stand-offish, then you don't have to worry for long. They were like this when Nanaba's group came in too, but now if you can't tell we're all as close as family," He said, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I swallowed all my anxious thoughts for a moment and nodded. Maybe he's right. Man, he's really good at this whole protector role. They weren't lying when they said he takes care of everyone here. "Maybe you're right," I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the doubts rising back up.

"I mean once they get to know you they'll accept you in here with open arms," he said with a pat to my back before walking towards the door, "come on I'll introduce you to a few people. Preferably the ones who don't want my head on a stake at the moment," he laughed before motioning for me to follow as he left the room.

We walked out to a big room that was filled with tables and people. "This is the common area, it's just a big space where everyone comes to hang out rather than being cooped up in their rooms."

I took a look around the room and made eye contact with a few people. Most people just looked away or gave awkward waves. This one girl just glared me down. I felt a chill rush over me.

"Maybe we should avoid Rico, she's a little hostile to new people, she still hasn't warmed up to some of us yet either," he reassured me, "not to mention she's pretty pissed off at me right now too."

"Because you went on the suicide mission?" I asked.

"No, because she wasn't invited to come with us," he said and I raised an eyebrow at the odd response. "Sure she's mad we went on the mission in general but she's even madder that she didn't go with us cause her powers would have been able to help us out a lot and she feels like we didn't even give her a chance to help us." He explained realizing I was confused.

"What's her power?" I asked and he just shook his head.

"I'll let her explain when she's ready, she doesn't like people sharing information about her without permission."

"Oh," I gave a quick nod.

We kept walking and I realized we were walking towards someone. It was a shorter older woman with a kind smile as we approached. I almost didn't recognize her with a smile, she was the angry woman from last night. Levi's mom I think?

"Ms. Magnolia," Pixis greeted her with an awkward smile.

"You ready for your lecture?" she asked, her smile turning more menacing for a split second.

He just gave a scared laugh before placing his hand on my back pushing me forward a little, "actually, I wanted to officially introduce you to Hassam," he said and I looked at her and gave her an award smile and a little wave. "I figured the first person he officially meets should be one of the nicest."

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