Count of Three

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"So you aren't feeling anything?" I asked again to double-check with Levi. I mean it's good he's in no pain, but that's also really bad. If he isn't feeling anything then Nanaba isn't feeling anything. The only two reasons I could think of are her blood flow is restricted or if the rubble has hit her spine and she could possibly be paralyzed. Neither of these options are good. If her blood flow is restricted we have to find a way to get this stuff off her quickly. If she's paralyzed that opens the door to a bunch more probabilities.

"Nothing," he mumbled, keeping his eyes to the floor. He knew just as much as I did and I could tell he was panicking.

"How are we supposed to tell Rico?"

"I don't know," He mumbled back. "Eren, I don't think she would listen to us even if she did tell her," his eyes looked up and met mine for the first time in a while and I could see just how worried he was.

"We have to tell her. Even if she doesn't want to hear it she needs to know that-."

"Why are you two just standing there whispering. We have to do something, anything," Rico begged, finally pulling herself to her feet. "I know we can't move it off of her, but maybe we can find someone who can. There's a bunch of tunnels and branch off paths some of the others might have fallen down here with us."

"Okay, we can look around, you should stay with her," Levi said before shooting me a look. He knew I would be pissed. He wasn't going to tell her. Was he expecting me to break it to her? Do I have to be the bad guy? I will if I have to.

"Rico-." I started only for Levi to cut me off.

"We are going to go look now, yell if you need us we should still be within earshot."

"I will, just please hurry," she said, turning back to focus on Nanaba.

"No, I don't want you to be the bad guy," Levi whispered, grabbing my arm as he pulled me away so we could go search and probably talk in private. "I don't want to tell her yet. She's not going to listen anyway, we should look first to see if we can find anything or anyone to help, and then maybe we can break the news to her. Let's not tell her until we know we've exhausted all other options."

I took a deep breath and nodded. "It's not going to change her situation, what if she is paralyzed. We don't know how to handle a situation like that."

"I'm trying not to think negatively, for Rico's sake."

"For Rico's sake? Or because you're in denial and don't want to admit something could be really wrong and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it."

Levi just froze for a second before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "I'm supposed to be the mind reader ya know, how do you always know what I'm thinking.

"Spend enough time with a person and you tend to know how they think," I said looking at him with a smile, "it's okay, we might not be able to fix this one, but we can certainly try our best to do what we can. If there is nothing we can do then we will be right by Rico's side the whole time."

"Oh yeah leaving her to deal with this alone was never an option," Levi said before grabbing my arm and making me stop. I didn't even dare speak knowing he was trying to listen to something. I looked around not sure what he heard but trying to listen too.

"Hello!" Levi yelled out. "Quinn, over here!" He called before looking at me. "I could hear her thoughts."

Oh, so I guess me trying to listen in wasn't going to work since I can't hear their thoughts. At least we found someone else.

"She's not alone either," Levi said letting me know. "They are injured," Levi said before taking off running down the tunnel.

Shit, "Is it bad?" I asked and Levi just shrugged. We turned the corner and saw them. Quinn was holding Alastair up as they walked and Xander was with them. Is that someone on his back?

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