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After a long day of avoiding everyone and finishing our letters we all "headed off to bed" a lot earlier than anyone expected us to. Eren and I used the excuse that we used for Jean and Marco, but Pixis just said that he was just tired after not sleeping very well.

After getting a few hours of sleep Nanaba came in and woke us up. The look in her eyes was nothing but panic and fear, but she kept her tone calm as she wished us luck on the mission. "If you need backup please call me in if- if it's possible," her voice dropped off when she realized that not only would we be unable to call in for any back up if shit went sideways, but that she wouldn't be able to do much to help even if we could. Chances are if things go bad we will be dead before we even know they went bad. Not to mention that if somehow we did manage to live long enough to know we were up shits creek. in order for us to live we would need a miracle to survive. One person as backup couldn't save us. I mean Erwin doesn't even know where he would need to open the portal if we did call for backup.

Despite both of us knowing it was useless to do so I responded back to try and ease her worries, "hopefully we won't need backup. Remember, we're all supposed to make it back without a scratch on us."

"You're right," she nodded, giving me a small sad smile. "Or I'll be the one to kill you."

"Damn right," I said with a nod as Eren and I both got up to get ready. she hesitated at the doorway for a moment. Her thoughts screaming at her to say something else, to stop this madness, but in the end, she just walked out the door.

We finished putting on our costumes making sure all our knives and gear were ready for anything. I tightened Eren's braces making sure that his wrists were secure. I was about to head out of the room when I felt Eren's hands on my back.

"I love you," his voice was a whisper. I knew if he raised it any louder it would crack.

"I love you too, so so much," I said, turning around and pulling him into my arms. I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips. knowing damn well this could be the last time we ever do so. The kiss lasted so long neither of us wanted to pull away. when we did there were tears running down both of our cheeks.

We shared a silent nod as we both knew what we had to do now. We wiped the tears away and headed to the common area where Pixis, Erwin, and Nanaba were waiting for us.

Erwin looked half asleep and confused. Nanaba must have just woke him. He was talking with Pixis. "I'll send a message through the burner phone when we want a portal back," Pixis said.

He turned around and handed the other burner phone to Nanaba. he then whispered in her ear. "If we don't message by dawn, you know what happened," he whispered. No one else could hear him as he told her, the only reason I know what he said was that I could hear his words echoing in Nanaba's thoughts. His words are already haunting her.

"Alright, I just finished telling Nanaba where to find us if we need back up. We shouldn't need any thought, it's just a simple mission," he said patting Erwin on the back. The way he lied so effortlessly sent a chill down my spine. "Alright open the portal," he said and Erwin gave a nod before opening a portal for us.

The second the portal opened in full I felt Eren grab my hand and squeeze it tight. I turned around to see his eyes glued to the ground. Pixis walked through and motioned that it was indeed safe to come through. I walked in with Eren trailing behind me. The second it closed I watched Pixis take a few deep breaths.

"You ready boys?" He said quietly. The raw emotion in his eyes scared me. I have never seen him look so scared. Usually, he puts up a front that makes everyone believe that everything is going to be okay, but this time it was gone. Nothing but pure fear as he looked back at us.

"Ready," Eren and I nodded.

"Alright, we need to make it to the actual meeting place first," he said looking around. "We are a little ways away, but that's okay we just need to keep an eye out and stay in the shadows." He quietly cleared his throat and wiped away any trace of fear. He took a quick second to recompose himself before nodding and starting the mission officially. We walked to the end of the alleyway and saw a well-lit road. There were people a little ways ahead. No doubt that they are guards.

"Not that way," he said before walking to the other end of the alleyway. Same thing. "Hmm. he paused for a moment weighing the options before Eren's hand squeezed mine.

"I have an idea," he mumbled. "I use my powers to get us to the rooftops just until we get to a darker area of the city or at least a less guarded one?" He suggested.

"But people will hear us on the roofs," Pixis said.

"Unless I keep my power on us making us a little more weightless. I wouldn't be able to hold it for a long time, but it should work long enough to get us out of here before any guards decide they haven't checked this alley in a while."

"It will have to work," I said before Pixis could even try and think of another option. "Guards coming this way," I said, hearing some people's thoughts get closer.

Eren nodded and got to work lifting us to the roof of the tall apartment buildings. He kept his power on us enough so that we wouldn't be thumping around on the roofs. It felt weird almost like I was in outer space or something. We stayed low down and tried to keep our heads down. We made it to another alleyway that led to a few dimly lit streets.

"We should be safe down there," Pixis said letting Eren know he could put us down.

Eren nodded and we all jumped off the roof and let us be slowly lowered down. I could already feel the ache in Eren's wrists. It wasn't as bad as it could be, but he needs to take a break for a little bit.

Surprisingly we were able to make it all the way to the bar without any difficulties. The boarded-up building had one way in it appears. Where the door used to be there are just boards nailed there with a large gap that could easily be squeezed into.

"Last chance to back out," Pixis said and I couldn't tell if he was talking to us or himself.

"We're in it till the end," Eren said and I nodded in agreement.

"Alright, here we go," Pixis said before walking up to the doorway. He poked his head in. "I don't see anything," he whispered before ducking under the boards. I hesitated a moment before looking back at Eren who gave a scared nod to continue. I let go of his hand for a moment and crawled through the hole. Pixis was right, nothing was in here. Eren joined us a moment later.

"Are we early?" I asked and Pixis went to pull out the burner phone to check the time when all of a sudden I was hit by a wave of thoughts from behind us and in front of us. It's a trap.

"Shit abort mi-." I started to say when I turned around and came face to face with a barrel of a gun.

"Formation!" the man who had come up behind us in the doorway yelled out and a bunch of people came in from the backmost room.

"Hands where we can see them," the man yelled again."

Shit, we're dead we are so dead. There's a wall of guns pointed right at us. There is no way we get out of this alive.

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