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When I opened my eyes I felt like screaming. My whole body hurt but my legs there is no way I could even describe the pain that was going through them. I didn't even dare try and move them. At best they are broken at worst they aren't there anymore. I was almost afraid to look. Not that I would be able to see much of what was happening anyways it's so dark. Where am I?

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out hoping for an answer. When I was met with silence I thought I should try again.

"Hello? Anyone? It's Sasha I need help," I yelled louder hoping maybe one of my team would hear me. Again no one responded.

Wait, my team? Where are they? What happened? I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and tried to remember what happened. Why I'm laying in a dark dusty room unconscious, alone, and injured. We were on a mission. We were all together and then there were these loud noises. I remember feeling like I was being pushed backward and my body was off the ground, but I can't remember much else. Those noises almost remind me of loud fireworks. Explosions? Did they blow us up?

I opened my eyes again knowing that if that's the case I really have to check on my legs and see if I can walk. I have to find my team. I took a few deep breaths before forcing myself to sit up. The way my legs moved when I did finally manage to sit up had me biting my lip to stop from screaming. Without much light, it was hard to make out what exactly was happening. I could see the rough outline of my legs. Good, they are still there, but one of them was bent weird and the other looked like it was under something. A rock? A piece of rubble?

I had a realization when my fingers touched the rubble. That seemed to be pinning my ankle. Am I under the rubble pile? Is that why it's so dark? Oh god, I have to find a way out of here. I have to help. I wonder how many other people are hurt or- no I'm not going to think about that right now.

I took a deep breath and looked around trying to get my eyes to adjust to see where exactly I am and what is around me. I have to find a way to get this thing off my leg.

I guess the good part about being in this much pain is that I can't really feel the pain from this thing squishing my foot, but I can definitely feel everything else. Both my legs are definitely broken but that's not going to stop me from crawling out of here and helping my friends.

The rubble on my leg didn't look like it was all that much. If I tried I could probably pull my leg out from under it, but that sounds like it's going to hurt like a bitch. I took a few good deep breaths and put my arms down next to my hips and lifted my butt off the ground putting all my weight on my arms before leaning back with all my weight.

I didn't really move like I thought I would. I expected it to hurt but that much pain made my arms crumpled beneath me and the back of my head collided with the floor really hard. I thought I had given myself a concussion at the moment, but I seemed to be okay.

There's got to be a way I can get out of here. I started looking around to see if there was anything I could grab onto to pull myself out. Wait a minute. I lightly smacked myself in the head remembering I could be using my power right now. I made two doubles and had them grab onto my arms.

I took a few deep breaths knowing how much this was going to hurt. "Alright three two one," I counted down to prepare myself before having the doubles yank me out from under the rubble.

The scream that ripped from my mouth was louder than anything I've ever heard. My whole body was shaking from the pain and I raised a shaky hand to wipe the tears that slipped from my eyes. I can't believe I just did that. I'm just glad it worked. My leg is free.

"Okay now what?" I asked myself while looking around. It seems there is a long tunnel with very little rubble ahead. Maybe if I can crawl out that way I should be able to find some sort of opening?

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