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Everything happened so fast. I barely had enough time to see what happened. One minute we were all trying to figure out what to do and what was going on. The next explosions are going off and now I'm under a good chunk of a building with a pounding headache from all the loud noises. I rolled my eyes as I shoved the tons of debris off of me like it was the blankets in the morning. Any other day I would be pissed at them for dropping a building on me, but right now the only thing I actually cared about was making sure the rest of my team was okay.

I looked around and could see that after shoving the rubble off of me it seems like I'm still above most of the rubble. I can still see the sky and looking around I can see where the explosions went off with certain buildings. I could see people scattered around. Some were perfectly fine, most were injured, or dead. I took a deep calming breath feeling a little relieved I didn't recognize any of the faces of the deceased. Though some of their faces are hidden I can't be quite sure that one of them isn't part of my team.

I didn't have the heart to actually check. I can't focus on the dead right now. I have to stay focused on the living. How many people are under the rubble, that is where I need to put my focus. I could be one of the only ones who can actually help them.

"Mikasa?" I let out a relieved breath hearing the familiar voice.

"Armin, you're okay," I said, turning around and rushing over to him. He didn't have a scratch on him.

"When the loud noises started going off I went intangible. I panicked." He sounded guilty about his actions almost as if he thought by not doing so would have helped in some way.

"Honestly, that's a good thing. I think that was the best decision you could have made whether it was intentional or purely out of panic. Now you can help with search and rescue, rather than needing rescuing."

He nodded and let out a small breath, "You're right."

"We should start up here and see how many others we can find up on the surface before looking down below."

"Below? As in below this mess of rubble. If they are down there wouldn't it mean they are... ya know... dead."

"Not necessarily," I said, trying to be hopeful. "Some of their powers could have protected them, or there could even be safe pockets down there too." He nodded and it seems I helped alleviate some concerns of his. Even though I wasn't too sure of what I was saying I'm glad that I could give him some hope and clear his mind for the moment. "Alright, let's look around up here first, and then we can worry about that. We need to see who else is up here so we can have all the help we can get."

Walking around was a pain in itself. I almost tripped several times now and every step was like walking on eggshells. The rubble shifted underneath our feet. I stepped in one section right as it started collapsing in and it was like a mix between quicksand and a ball pit from hell.

I don't even think I'm the one that caused it to fall. I think I just happened to stand on it at the wrong time because I was standing there for a whole minute before it collapsed in. I think that confirms my theory about the air pockets down there, but I guess not all of them are super safe since the rubble is still collapsing in on them. I just hope no one was in there, especially not our team members.

"Oh my god, Mikasa are you okay?" Armin called out staring down from the edge of the hole.

"I'm fine, you might wanna back up a little in case more of the floor decides to go." I watched him back up and I waited another minute so he had more time to get away in case it did collapse more.

I had to move my legs and try and get them unstuck from all the rubble. I was holding myself up with my hands hoping that I wouldn't sink deeper in this rubble pit. Once I got my leg free, sure enough, some of the rubble started sliding around near the edge. It was a good call having Armin move. The last thing I need is him getting stuck down here too. I started crawling out of the hole moving the rubble that was still falling and trying to slowly climb my way back up to not cause anymore to fall. When I reached the edge Armin had run back over and offered me a hand to help me out. I took his hand and he pulled me up and back to my feet.

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