Bad Guy

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With nothing to do the next few days everyone spent them training and trying to process their grief. Most of us were fed up with everything and the sparring because a lot more of a way to get all of our anger out. Feeling everyone's emotions was really exhausting and I had to spend a lot of time in my room. Eren kept me company, but the few times we did leave there was silence surrounding everyone.

Berthold was either locked in his room or in the sparring circle. He never really talked to anyone aside from asking to spar or ref. The only people he was talking to were Shadis and Annie, and that's because Annie wasn't giving him much of a choice. He only asked Shadis to talk when he needed it and I think that's because he and Shadis are going through the same thing. They both lost a person they care a lot about. Berthold lost his boyfriend, but Shadis lost someone who was practically a son to him.

I looked over at Ymir who was watching Annie and Berchtold's match from afar. Shadis was reffing their match. I was wondering when she was planning on addressing the ghost in the room.

I locked eyes with her and she just lightly shook her head before walking away. I mean I know she thinks it's too soon still, and it probably is, but from what I can hear when Berthold does leave his thoughts unchecked he's not doing so well. It could make things worse, but how much worse can things get?

We need to have a mission and fast or Berthold might slip out and start taking matters into his own hands. Luckily from what I've been hearing they have been finding more information and we might be able to start planning a mission, but whether they can plan it in time is the real question.

I just followed after Ymir. She knew damn well what I was going to say and she didn't want to have that conversation yet, but from what I can see it's now or never. I finally caught up to her before she got into her room. I grabbed her arm and gave her a look and she just let out a sigh.

"I really don't want to. This isn't going to go well."

"You don't know that. I think he's had enough time to process-."

"You're full of shit.

"I know I am, but you're not the one hearing his thoughts. We gave him time, but now it's gotten to the point where if we don't tell him now we might lose him for good. I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of losing friends whether it's because they die, or they lose themselves trying to fight this damn war either way I'm sick of it."

She just sat there and stared at me for a few minutes before letting out a long frustrated sigh. "Fine. I hate it when you're right."

"So do I," I mumbled. I hated this as much as she did. Why of all the people were we tasked with doing this? Ymir isn't the most gentle person when delivering information, and I've always been pretty blunt. This is a sensitive topic and it needs to be eased into, but I know how we both are. We will just blurt it out.

"Can't you just do it?" She whined.

"Me why me?"

"Because Imma make things worse."

"We're both going to make thighs worse."

"Well do you have a better idea?" She asked and I felt as a lightbulb turned on upstairs.

"Actually I just might," I nodded before walking away with her trailing behind me confused.

"Guys, I know I didn't like being left out but this isn't what I meant," Eren said awkwardly as we walked towards Berthold's room.

"You already promised you would help," Ymir said, not even turning around to face him.

"Yeah, which I'm still not sure how you tricked me into agreeing. Did you get Christa to use her powers on me?" he asked.

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