The Mission Continues

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I sat down a little behind Jean in Marco in case they needed some help explaining anything. Jean seemed to be doing a pretty good job by himself, but when he got stuck Marco was usually able to take over and get him back on track. My wrists were still hurting really badly and I could feel them throbbing from overdoing it. I made way too many force fields.

I felt someone's presence next to me and turned my head to see Hassam sitting next to me. He leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Pixis, what are we going to do now? How do we get all these people out of here?"

I just sat back and stared out at the sea of people. We can't teleport them individually home, Erwin doesn't have that kind of power. We can't teleport them back to town, it's too dangerous. We can't have them be picked up by family or friends because we are several dozen miles away from that town. "I don't know." I finally said back defeated. We got them out of there safely, but at this point, none of it will matter if we can't get them back home.

I can't help but wish Eren was awake; he usually has the answers here. He comes up with ideas the rest of us can never think of. Even if he can't come up with a solution then he still has a more positive outlook.

"Maybe we just wait it out for a little while until things die down?" Hassam suggested. "I mean it gives us time to get all the wounded healed for the most part, for everyone to rest so their powers can restore, and give us time so hopefully the guards stop shooting at everyone. I mean they have to clean up the mess they made last night anyway right? The last thing they want is for the scene of their crimes to remain for everyone to see."

"I think that's our only option at the moment. I think the only other thing we can do is call in some of the others to help look after everyone," I shrugged. I mean we have a lot of wounded and incapacitated people and most of us here are already at, or past our limits. Some fresh hands would be nice.

"I can ask Erwin if I can go grab them?" Hassam suggested. I think he just wanted me to stay sitting so I could rest.

"If you could?" I nodded.

He got up and headed over to Erwin. Erwin looked over to me before nodding and opening a portal for Hassam. The portal was open for a few minutes before Hassam came through with the last of our people. The only people who stayed back were Mom and Molbit. I assume they stayed back to watch home base, and to keep their identities secret. They are our spies, they can't exactly be associated with us without blowing their cover. The only thing I worry about is if we get raided while we are gone.

I thought Erwin was going to close the portal, but he didn't; he just shrunk it, keeping it about the size of a fist. It stayed open. I was about to get up and ask him why but when he looked at me I realized that he was worried about them getting raided too. I just hope he doesn't overdo it too much by keeping that open.

The others quickly got to work helping out. Petra looked around before her eyes landed on me. She walked over and kneeled down before whispering to me. "We need to make them a shelter, especially if we are planning on staying here tonight."

She had a point. That might be hard to do without Levi's powers. We need his powers to help her make the shelter. Even if he wakes up there's no saying he will be able to use his powers. If anything he's out of commission for a while. He and Eren both.

I looked around and Saw Franz sitting off to the side. I think he was waiting for his powers to recharge so he can help Hanji some more. He's probably at his limit too, but we don't have much of a choice.

"Before we bring it up to him we need to address everyone and tell them the plan." We don't want to leave them in the dark, and when walls suddenly come up around them we don't want them panicking.

I waited until Jean got to a part where I could interject. "Sorry to interrupt everyone, we can continue this again in a moment, however, I think we need to fill you all in on our plan at the moment.

The crowd was silent and all eyes were on me. I motioned for Hassam to come over and join me to help alleviate any concerns. "As of right now we are stranded here. We can't teleport you back to town, it's too dangerous at the moment, and we can't send you home because we don't have enough power to do so at the moment. We are open to ideas, but for right now we feel that the best course of action is to wait it out."

As concerned faces filled the crowd Hassam spoke up, "right now the town is filled with guards shooting at everyone, right now we need to stay here and wait until morning they can't shoot at everyone tomorrow since the streets will be filled with clueless civilians who have no clue about what happened tonight. When the morning comes we can decide how to safely get everyone back home. Right now what we need to do is spread what we know as far as we can. I know a lot of you were filming and recording the events from last night. Post them, send them to everyone you know. We can't let this information get buried. We can't let them keep lying to the world."

People still seemed worried, but they seemed to understand that they were safe here and we are trying to get them back home. "For tonight we are going to make a temporary shelter," I announced before calling over Franz. He seemed to understand he was needed before I even called him over. He touched Levi's arm and gave Petra a nod. "These two are going to construct a giant room so we will be protected from the weather and have a little bit of cover."

Everyone's eyes were on Petra and Franz as they got to work. They looked mesmerized as they watched Petra and Franz make walls and construct a giant room around us. After they finished, mostly everyone looked at their phones posting the videos they had or sending them out to others. The people that didn't have any had turned back to Jean waiting for him to continue now that everything else was taken care of.

Tonight was going to be a long night, but we had no choice but to try and get through it. I stood up and walked over to Erwin trying to convince him to close the portal to home base. We needed to rest our powers and him keeping that open will just keep draining him. I know he's worried about them, I am too, but they will be okay.

While I was trying to convince him Petra and Franz came over and offered to ease his concerns. They would move everything and put up the fake walls so even if we get raided they will be met with an empty building.

Erwin agreed to that and they went through and took care of that. They came back a few minutes later and got back to helping the wounded.

"I think it's best if we sleep in shifts," Hassam said, "the people who were on the mission need to rest, the people who just got here can stay awake and watch over everyone."

"I think that's a great plan," I nodded while taking a look around. Everyone seemed exhausted.

I got everyone together and addressed our group telling them Hassam's idea to sleep in shifts. Everyone seemed okay with the idea. Only Jean seemed to protest, insisting on keeping an eye on Eren and Levi. After some convincing from us that they would all be safe he seemed to give up and agree to rest his eyes for a moment.

I addressed the crowd next with Hassam's help telling them that now is the time to rest. We will try to check again in the morning to make sure everything is safe to send people back. No one seemed to have any complaints. Most of them were still curious and I had Nanaba take over for Jean answering their questions. We moved the unconscious members of our group into a corner where we could easily keep an eye on them and make sure people wouldn't get at them.

We are back to waiting. This mission isn't over until everyone gets home safely.

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