Mission Practice

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"Alright start," I whispered to the group before giving Pixis and Shadis a thumbs up. They nodded back and we got into position. Hanji Jean and Marco were all standing off to the side. Erwin made a portal on the other side of the course to simulate how we would actually be teleporting in. I walked in followed by Levi Armin and Erwin. We immediately hid behind some of the walls before giving Armin a nod.

"You got this," I whispered. He took a deep breath before vanishing. We waited for 5 minutes before he reappeared to us. "Three prisoners and around 10 guards." He said catching his breath.

"Okay, we shouldn't need back up for this run-through," I whispered.

Erwin nodded and opened a small portal before dropping the pebble in and making it collapse. The small pebble getting sent through to Hanji meant backup wasn't needed. If there was a big portal that opened up that meant we needed backup. If no portal opened in the span of 10-15 minutes that meant we were captured. It was Levi's Idea to have this added to the plan.

We had Armin tell us the rough layout as well as the rough positions of the "guards" and "prisoners."

The prisoners were being held towards the center where there were the most guards. They were sitting on the ground facing the wall and were "tied up." the rope was actually just loosely wrapped around them.

"Alright, Levi I want you to go in from the right and Erwin you go in from the left. I'll go in from above. Levi focuses on your telekinesis, your empathic abilities and mind-reading won't work on Sasha's duplicates."

"What about me?" Erwin asked, giving me a smile. That's right, I was the team leader here. I had to direct everyone in how to go about each individual situation.

"I want you to focus on using your teleportation to either move them to Levi or my area of attack or use it to get them lost and out of the area of the fight."

"Okay," he nodded.

"Before we start an all-out 10 against 3 fight I want you to try and pick them off one by one without drawing attention."

"Isn't that impossible since they are all Sasha's duplicates and she'll see everything we are doing the second we start," Levi asked.

"Yes and no, Sasha's been directed to act as if each individual duplicate is their own person meaning that even if she sees us take out one of the guards as long as a duplicate doesn't physically see or hear it happening she won't attack."

Levi nodded and we all got in positions. I used my power to make myself float to the ceiling. That was the only problem with this course. There was actually a ceiling. Where the mission will be taking place is outside and around trees meaning this will be a better tactic in the real mission more so than in this mock version.

I could see Levi and Erwin from my position, but I was very clearly out in the open in this layout. I could see the "prisoners." It was Mina, Mom, and Connie. They all seemed to be whispering to each other and laughing. Glad they were taking this seriously. I could even see Connie flirting with one of Sasha's doubles.

I just rolled my eyes and took a closer look at the layout of all of her doubles. Most of them were being watched by other doubles. I made eye contact with Levi and directed him on which double to take out and I nodded to Erwin directing him on which one to teleport away so they didn't see Levi pulling them away. Erwin teleported the double that was watching the one Levi was going to take out to the very edge of the course right as Levi pulled the double towards him covering her mouth and choking her out until she "fell unconscious" which isn't possible so Sasha just had her lay down and close her eyes.

We did that again and that's when the doubles started noticing that there weren't as many guards as there should be. They all became alert and closer together. That's when I gave Erwin and Levi a nod. We all rushed in at once. I used a gravity field that pulled 4 of the doubles together and Erwin teleported them away. Levi grabbed the last 2 doubles picking them up and causing them to fly towards him where he knocked them out with a punch. We quickly "untied" the "prisoners" before Erwin teleported us all back to the part of the course where Armin was hiding before teleporting us to the side of the course back with Hanji and the others. Sasha walked out of the course to join us for the feedback.

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