Careful What You Wish For

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Auruo and Nanaba started explaining what was happening as we all walked into the room. These two were just representatives for their groups. A few more would be joining us for different groups. Some of these groups were bigger than ours, others around the same, and a few were smaller. It doesn't matter the size, no matter how many people we get it will help us in the long run.

We all took some seats around the table. Auruo had walked around to the other side before taking a seat. The man sat next to Auruo. I sat down next to Levi and surprisingly the woman took a seat next to me. Nanaba sat next to her. I didn't know whether to be excited or scared.

The problem with this is that we could mess up everything. I mean meeting new people has always been stressful. Knowing these people represent the entirety of the teams we will be working with, that's an even scarier thought. If we slip up, say something wrong, do something they don't like, they could decide to leave us on our own.

"Ouch," I said looking at Levi who had kicked me under the table. He just glared at me. I guess that's his way of telling me to stop being so negative.

"Everything alright?" The lady had asked me. Her voice was scratchy and cut out a little as she spoke. She was probably wondering why I suddenly said ouch.

"Yeah, sorry," I said back, giving her an awkward smile before glaring back at Levi for making me look weird. Next time just grab my hand or something and don't kick me. He just shrugged. Asshole.

The lady next to me let out a little giggle. Nanaba and her must be talking about something funny. I wasn't trying to eavesdrop so I just turned my attention back to Levi.

Shadis had ended up joining us in the room with two new people behind him. Apparently, they expected around 7 to 10 people in total. Hassam so far had one guaranteed to come but if all goes to plan he should have three showing up.

Right now Pixis and Erwin were grabbing the people and Shadis was the one bringing them back to the room. These two were both Nanaba's other contacts and sat down on the other side of the first lady who showed up. They were both guys and each looked intimidating, but neither looked scarier than the two who showed up. More specifically, first the woman. She towered over all of us and she has a very intimidating look to her. She has to be over 6 feet tall. The scar on her neck is what sent chills down my spine. I mean who can survive an injury like that and just walk away.

They all started making small talk while Levi and I sat there quietly. I couldn't help but feel like we were the kids sitting at the adults' table in this situation. I mean the other two men who had come in didn't seem as old as the other two but were still definitely older than us, by a noticeable amount. It seemed like some of them knew each other and were catching up, others seemed to not know each other but seemed sociable enough to be able to join in a conversation effortlessly. I had half a mind to excuse myself and wait at the sparring area until everyone arrived, and maybe even after that. I mean was it really necessary for me to be here?

"Yes," Levi whispered, but he wasn't the only one. Both of our eyes turned towards the woman Nanaba brought in at the beginning.

Her eyes were on me. There was no mistake she was talking to me, but she instantly moved her eyes back to Nanaba and continued her conversation.

"Excuse me?" Levi said and I felt the urge to leave, so he did catch it too, was he really about to call her out in front of everyone.

"Yes?" She asked, turning back towards him. They made eye contact and went dead silent.

I saw Levi smile and knew instantly she was also a mind reader, great there are two of them now.

"Yup," Levi whispered,

My eyes went wide. Does that mean she saw those things in our sparring match? My face instantly went red.

"Yeah, that was quite jarring, but definitely not the worst I've seen," she laughed. "Good way to throw an opponent off their feet and play towards their weaknesses."

I tried to hold back all of my thoughts but they kept slipping through. Oh god, I called this woman scary. Oh god, I keep referring to her by this woman rather than her name. That must sound terrible.

I felt a hand hit the back of my head. "Good lord you overthink everything," Levi mumbled.


"Quinn," She said back quietly.


"My name's Quinn," she said back with a smile.

"Eren," I said back before shaking my head, "you probably already knew that." I watched Levi bring his hand up to his face and pinch the bridge of his nose. Well great now I'm annoying him too.

"It seems like all of this is very new to you?" She asked despite knowing that probably wasn't the case.

"It's not," Well sorta, I'm used to only Levi being able to hear my thoughts, "I'm just really awkward with new people," I sighed.

"I can see that," she laughed, "don't worry, no need to be nervous." She leaned in to whisper into my ear, "the adults don't bite," before leaning away and laughing to herself.

Shit, she heard all of that. I just put my head in my hands. This was so embarrassing. "Oh come on I was just messing with you," she said, giving me a light pat on the back, "don't beat yourself up over it."

"Hey you wanted to be included," Levi whispered. "Careful what you wish for."

I took a deep breath and sat up. Just in time to see more people come in. Hassam came in with one of his representatives and took a seat. Suddenly I felt a little better since this girl seemed to be around our age. I didn't feel like I stuck out like a sore thumb anymore.

I could almost feel the tensions in the room as the conversations went quiet. I guess not everyone is used to having people without powers in the same room as them. Let alone make small talk with them.

"They're scared," Quinn leaned over and whispered. Her voice cut out a little as she tried.

"They are here to help."

"I know that, but some of the others are still not as trusting. They've long since given up on asking for outside help. This concept of working with them is new to some of them. They've been hurt, we all have," she placed a hand on her neck and took a deep breath. "It will take time for them to be able to trust anyone again."

"Have you gotten to the point where you can trust them?"

"I'd like to think I have," she nodded, "many people have hurt me and betrayed my trust, but I'm not going to blame everyone for one person's mistake." She sat back up straight and cleared her throat before turning her attention to Hassam and his representative.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you," she said, walking over and reaching a hand out towards Hassam.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Hassam," he said introducing himself.

"Quinn, and you?" she asked, turning to the girl.

"Amalia," she smiled, shaking Quinn's hand.

Quinn walked back over to the seat and looked at the others who were still sitting there dead silent. She shot them all a glare. Most of them instantly averted their eyes from her. Guess we aren't the only ones who were scared of her.

"Well, where are your manners? Aren't you going to introduce yourselves?" she asked.

One of the men sitting by Nanaba gave them a wave. "How's it going," he said, flashing them a friendly smile. "I'm Alastair."

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