Spar to Settle a Wager

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Authors note~ Hey sorry that the chapter was late guys wattpad won't let me publish the chapter tonight until sometime after 3am since the sight is down for maintenance until then. Sorry for the inconvenience.~TJ

The second the spar started I jumped back knowing that Eren was planning on throwing me out with a gravity field. Sure enough, that was his first move, however, his second move was putting one behind me as well. Guess he knew I would be reading his mind to figure out what his plays were. He focused purely on the one gravity field so I wouldn't see the second one coming.

I almost got thrown out of the circle but I instantly used my powers to pull Eren close to me and grab his arm with my good hand and swing him towards his own gravitational field.

He instantly dismantled it and pushed away from me. He was glaring me down thinking that it was a dirty trick but everyone else around me had to admit that it was a smart play. It was my only play, with me only being able to use half of my power's normal strength it was about all I could manage.

I could see the cogs in Eren's head-turning. I didn't want to give him another second to think. I used my powers quickly pushing emotion onto him trying to throw him off his game. I saw his eyes start to water but nothing else seemed to work. He stood his ground. Gravity flipped and before I could flip with it I got pinned to the ceiling. My other power stopped with my concentration meaning Eren was no longer getting held down by emotions either. Fuck this isn't good.

I saw another gravity field start to appear right behind me. Shit, this really isn't good. This isn't the first time Eren's done this move, but it's the first time I don't have enough power to fight against it and he knows it.

Eren's going to release the gravity and the second he does the gravity field is going to send me flying out of the circle. I only have one chance at this. The second he releases the flipped gravity I need to overwhelm him and pull him all at once before getting thrown out. Normally I would only stick to pushing certain emotions on people, especially knowing how bad some emotions can affect some people, but in this case, I have no choice.

This isn't a normal friendly duel where it doesn't matter the winner. We are both going all out. Neither of us can afford to lose. I have to win this even if it means doing something I know would affect Eren in a bad way. I'm sorry, but I have no choice.

The very second I felt gravity start to drop I stared Eren straight in his eyes and set as much panic and anxiety to him as I could. When I saw his eyes widen I knew he was caught off guard and I used my power to throw him into his own gravity field and send him flying out of the circle.

I was still getting thrown by his gravity field, but as long as he was out of the circle first that was all that mattered. I heard the sound of Eren hitting the floor and I looked down and saw that the same fate was coming for me.

The floor was coming up fast. I didn't have enough time to move my power from where it was focused on Eren to stop myself from hitting the floor. My other arm is useless at the moment. This is going to hurt. I closed my eyes just before impact only to open them and see that I was still floating about the ground.

As I swiveled around to my feet I looked over at Eren who was laying on the floor a few feet away from me. I could tell the anxiety and panic I used did a number on him. He was hyperventilating, his whole body was trembling and his nails were digging into the palms of his hands, but he still managed to catch me.

I ran over to him and quickly pushed a calming feeling over him. I won, but at what cost. This wasn't worth it. Seeing him like that, feeling him like that is the last thing I want. He's going to hate me. That was such a dick move. I know that he already struggles with anxiety attacks and I used that against him for what? A promise that I wagered to get him to listen to one of my outrageous ideas.

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