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"Erwin, do you think Mikasa and Armin will be able to find anyone else?" Hanna had asked me as we sat down at the bottom of the ladder.

"I think so, I'm sure we weren't the only ones trapped down here."

"I just hope they are okay when they find them," her voice got quiet and I could tell exactly what she was thinking. I was thinking about it too.

How many people aren't okay. How many people are injured? How many people did we lose already? I know Armin mentioned that Auruo and Thomas are also gone. As horrible as that is I'm hoping that they were the only ones we lost. They will be missed and the pain I feel knowing they're gone hurts more than my arm that's starting to regain feeling. Despite thinking that I know deep down that there have to be more people who died. I mean with the explosions, with the rubble, I know how bad this is. Honestly, I think we only survived by luck. How fucked up is that? We got lucky and lived, but so many of our friends might not have had the same luck. What a cruel world we live in.

I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head and I looked over at Hanna who was just staring at the floor. I have to try and pull her thoughts away from such a depressing topic. "You kept your promise," I finally said and she looked up at me confused.

"What promise?"

"You stayed with me until I was free," I said and I saw her nod a little.

"I mean I said I would get you out of there, but I think all that credit goes to Mikasa and Armin."

"But if you weren't there with me they might have missed me," I said, nudging her arm with my good arm. "Armin said he was looking for movement and I couldn't move much by myself, so they must have seen you moving around."

She didn't say anything, she just smiled a little bit and let her eyes fall back to the floor. A minute went by and she spoke up again. "Thanks."


"Trying to make me feel better."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, turning my head away from her.

"Sure," she scoffed before relaxing a little, letting her back lay flat against the wall rather than sitting hunched over like she was before. I watched as she let her eyes close. I just nodded to myself glad I could help even if it was just a little.

I had joined her laying flat up against the wall and closing my eyes for a second to just try and relax before we had to move again. No matter how hard I tried to relax, the pain in my arm just kept getting worse as the rest of my feeling just kept coming back.

"Erwin?" I heard a voice say and I felt relief wash over me as I opened my eyes and turned my head to look down the dark tunnel.


"Oh thank god, for a minute I thought we had gone the wrong way," He said walking over to us. When they got closer I saw he wasn't alone. Shadis and Pixis were with him. Neither of them looked too good.

They both were leaning on Berthold for support. Shadis looked like he was about ready to collapse any second, and Pixis looked like he was being held together by Berthold the way Berthold's arms were wrapped around him I could tell his arm was messed up pretty bad.

"I'm so glad to see you guys," I said before offering any help. I don't know how much help I could be since my arm was definitely dislocated and was in immense pain now that the blood flow had been restored.

"I think we just need to sit for a few minutes," Shadis said, carefully sliding down the wall and keeping pressure on his abdomen. That's when I saw it. There was a piece of rebar impaling him.

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