Not a Drill

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Today was quite an odd day. Normally we just spend the days watching sparring matches, getting briefed for missions, or hang out in our rooms all day. "So how did you think today went?" I asked Hitch as we wandered around the building aimlessly. Normally we would just hang out in the common area or the rooms, but I wanted to walk around and stretch my legs.

"I think it went okay, no one got seriously injured so that's always a good thing," she shrugged. "What about you Marlowe, how did you think things went?"

"I think they went fine, but I've also never seen Levi break down like that. I didn't think he was the type to break down," I remember earlier when they ushered us out of the room.

"Well, not everyone can be strong all the time. Besides you're telling me you wouldn't be conflicted if someone told you to hurt me?" She asked, folding her arms.

"I mean of course I would, but-." I froze as we walked past the wall closest to the street.

"But what?" She asked.

"Shhh," I put my finger up to my lips before turning back to look at the wall. Somethings wrong. Something's very wrong. "We need to go now!" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her until we were both running. I ran straight to where Pixis was usually at rather than hunting down Nanaba. The whole time Hitch was asking me what was wrong and why we were running. I didn't have time to stop and explain it to her. I need to alert them as fast as I can.

We made it to Pixis's office and saw Pixis, Shadis, and Nanaba discussing something. We didn't have time for formal greetings. "Somethings wrong!" I yelled getting all of their attention. "We need to hide everything."

"Why what's happening?" Nanaba asked.

"I saw people's heat signatures outside lining up like they were getting ready to raid.

"Shit," Pixis said standing up. "I'll find Erwin, in the meantime warn as many people as you can to get started," he said running out of the room.

It took only around 15 seconds for portals to appear in every room and Pixis's voice rang out. "People have found the base, this is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill."

I woke up hearing Pixis's voice right next to me. "People have found the base, this is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill." I quickly jumped up looking to make sure Eren was up and hear the message. He gave me a nod and we got straight to work. I found Petra and we started knocking down the walls and moving the particles to where the wall would go. I felt like I was moving a lot slower and I realized I was. I never thought about how only being able to use one arm would impact drills and in this case real emergencies.

My adrenaline started pumping when I realized this was taking longer than normal even though our normal times was cutting it close. If we get caught because of me I would never be able to forgive myself. Right as we finished everything everyone was already in place with all the stuff moved. We quickly put the wall up just as we heard footsteps coming in. I silently prayed we solidified the wall in time, but I couldn't tell.

I couldn't hear the people's thoughts through the wall, the only thing I could do was close my eyes and focus on Marlowe's thoughts as he looked at the heat signatures moving behind the wall.

Thomas silently connected Pixis, Shadis, Nanaba, and Marlowe so he could keep them filed in on their positions too. The silence was deafening as we tried to hear what they were saying through the wall. It was mostly inaudible mumbling, but every once in a while a sentence or a word would slip through when they raised their voice.

One person was talking and I was able to piece together what he was saying by just a few words I managed to hear. "Reports, cursed, here, waste, time."

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