Masks Off

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"I wanted you all to meet Orbit, he is the mastermind behind some of our most brilliant plans. He's the one responsible for making the plan that rescued the group of exiles. He and Malice Mind were the first to figure out that they were going after civilians, and they are the ones who planned out and went on the mission that got us the information about this camp," Pixis said introducing us. Man, he was really talking us up.

I looked at Levi to make sure he was feeling okay. I'm not quite sure what is happening, but something is definitely happening. Could they be targeting him because of all his knives? No, he keeps giving my hand a squeeze making sure I know everything is okay. I wish I could hear what he was thinking. I hate being left in the dark, especially at times like this when I need to know what's going on.

Every time I look at Levi he looks more and more out of it. Is he going to blackout? Maybe this wasn't a good idea. We shouldn't have trusted them. He gave my hand a squeeze again.

I get it that means you're alright, but you don't look it. Something happened. Did they do something to y-?

"Orbit, would you mind telling them your plan?" Pixis said and I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at all the people staring at me.

Help. I thought to Levi as the room started closing in. I wasn't used to so many unfamiliar eyes locked onto mine. It was one thing to speak in front of all my friends and people who I've lived under the same roof with for years now but people who I don't even know their names or even their faces. How did Pixis expect me to do this? I can't do this.

I felt Levi's hand give mine a tight squeeze under the table and his eyes looked into mine. Stop, now is not the time to panic. If these people really are here to help then we are on the same side. Pixis is counting on me, everyone is counting on me. All I need to do is explain the same plan I've been explaining. That's it, just repeat everything I've already said. Don't think about who you're repeating it to just imagine that you are talking to Levi and only Levi.

"Well, during our reconnaissance mission," I started. I explained everything exactly like how I explained it to Pixis when we first pitched the mission. I repeated it nearly word for word trying to just forget all of the eyes watching my every move. The only changes I made were substituting names for code names and powers were only briefly described.

They stayed quiet until the end. Pixis asked if they had any questions. The purple bandana lady spoke up, "what is our group's job?"

"Well, we were planning on adding you to the teams already created by your powers and where they fit with the plan. Pixis explained.

I felt Levi's hand give mine a quick squeeze under the table. I looked at him to figure out what he wanted since that was clearly meant to get my attention. I looked at him and with his eyes, he quickly looked at one of the other exiles and back to me. I followed his eyes and saw what he wanted me to see. The person in the green bandana looked pissed. I could only see their eyes, but they were staring daggers into Pixis.

"You think that will be the best plan? Having total strangers work together rather than just putting us in a group of our own." Purple asked.

"Well, it depends. We based this mission based on people's powers even within our own group. We have people here working with people they aren't working with normally. It will be a learning experience for everyone, however, if it gives us the best outcome then I don't see a problem." They were both using passive-aggressive tones as they spoke.

There was a long awkward silence and the room was so tense. I heard Levi let out a loud sigh before standing up. "Look, I know there's not a lot of trust going around, but if we are going to work together then we are going to have to trust each other."

He pulled off his hood and mask before reaching his hand out to purple. "I'm Levi, it's a pleasure to be working with you," he said.

The room went quiet for a minute before she shook his hand hesitantly. "Nanaba," she said before pulling her mask down and shaking off her hood.

I just shrugged and followed Levi's lead pulling mine off, "I'm Eren." I mentally cursed because I could see some of their eyes instantly look at my neck. Yes, I get it I look like a man whore, get over it.

I looked back towards Pixis and Shadis. Shadis looked pissed at us, but Pixis looked impressed. He pulled off his mask, "I'm Pixis, this is Shadis," he said, introducing him and pulling off his mask almost like he knew that Shadis wasn't going to follow along. Hanji and Erwin also pulled off their masks and introduced themselves.

Once we had all finished pulling off our masks Nanaba gave her team a nod and they did the same. Yellow pulled down his mask and gave us a smile, "I'm Hannes."

Black pulled down her and introduced herself as Hitch. Blue pulled his off and introduced himself as Marlowe. White introduced himself as Thomas.

There were two left and they gave each other a look before Nanaba walked up and pulled their masks down, "this is Rico," she said introducing Green bandana, "and this is Gunther," she said introducing Red bandana.

Looks like our group isn't the only one with stubborn people.

"So how are we separating by powers?" She asked sitting back down at the conference table.

"Well, depending on your power depends on where you will be needed," Pixis said, looking at me waiting for me to explain the team's dynamics and how we came up with them.

"Well, each team was made by how their power works, and their role in the mission. We put them under categories like how I said Poltergeist would be possessing a guard we labeled her power essential since she is what kick starts this whole plan, however, while she is possessing someone her body is left defenseless so we classified her as needing defense. So we put her with Pixis and Shadis since their powers could easily protect her." I said trying to explain to the best of my abilities.

"Alright, I think I see what you mean," she nodded.

"Each team has specific roles too. I briefly explained them in the mission run down. Essentially team B's main job is to stay behind and watch everyone's backs through the cameras and defend the surveillance room so we have a safe way of escaping."

"Team A is going to be the front line fighters that push forward through each section of the camp. Team D is going to be the defense fighters finishing off the last of the fights in the area's that team A hits, they also will be staying closer to team C to keep the guards off them. Lastly team C is going to be the healers and defense team. Their main job is to protect the prisoners and heal them enough so they can walk through the portals."

"So if we tell you our powers you will be able to put us in certain groups?" Nanaba asked hesitantly.

"Essentially yes, however, if we assign you wrong then feel free to speak up. You all know about your powers more than us so if I assign you as a front line fighter and you feel you are better at defense then let me know and I'll make the change," I said trying to be as courteous as I could.

"How much do you need to know about our powers?" Rico spoke up and she sounded really annoyed about the whole thing.

"As much as you can tell us, the more the better," I said and she glared me down.

"Why? That's far from fair." She said and Nanaba turned around and gave her a warning glare. "What, I mean they get to know all about our powers, but we don't know jack shit about theirs!" She raised her voice. Nanaba looked like she was ready to yell at her.

I didn't know what to say about that. I ended up just panicking and blurting out, "I have gravity powers." 

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