Raid Family Meeting

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Author's note~ sorry the chapter was late my internet was down. I hope you enjoy the chapter! ~TJ


As we walked in the room Pixis pulled us Eren and me aside and told us to sit up by the front. We took our seats and watched as Erwin, Ymir, Berthold, and Armin were also pulled aside and directed to sit next to us.

"This must be about our mission notes," Eren whispered.

"I think they are going to try and see who wants to raid the camp."

"Do you think they are going to bring her up?" Eren asked as he was thinking of Ilsa.

"I don't know." I looked around the room to see if everyone was here and saw the two civilians were sitting in the back.

"What are they doing here?" I asked Erwin hoping he would know.

"They wanted to know what was going on, so Pixis invited them to listen in."

We all quieted down when Pixis and Shadis walked up to the front.

"Hello everyone, as some of you may know there was a recon mission last night. The point of the mission was to find out if there was a correctional camp at a point where another group of exiles were captured. Well, they found one. So thanks to their notes," he said, gesturing to us, "we can start planning a raid on the camp."

The room erupted in cheers. A few people shouted that they wanted to be a part of it.

"Alright, settle down everyone," Shadis tried to quiet the room so Pixis could continue.

"We will have a chance at the end to talk about who wants to be on the mission, but first let me explain what we are going up against. First of all no matter what we are going to have to call other exiles for back up. There are too many guards, and there were speculations of them upping the guard level as is. We are also going to have to set up places for these people to go."

Auruo's hand shot up, "Pardon my interruption, but there's a group of Exiles that have recently contacted us they have a place for refugees. I mentioned to them that we were looking for a camp and they said any refugees we come across we can send their way."

"Thank you Auruo," Pixis nodded, "well that's one issue solved."

He went back to addressing the notes. "From what their team noticed," Pixis pointed to us, "guards do routine patrols around the whole perimeter and the inside of the compounds are heavily guarded. There are guards positioned by each building. There are cameras monitoring every inch of the inside. We don't have an exact number of inmates, but the notes say there were at least a couple hundred."

I got distracted by Eren's thoughts. He already had a plan of how to raid this camp. "Write it down," I whispered to him making sure that he wouldn't forget this plan since it did sound like our best bet. I watched him pull out a pen and paper. He still keeps a mini notepad on him, adorable.

"The prisoners are kept in different conditions based on their badge colors. Red Badges are kept in a room filled with up to 10 different people per room. They have a little more freedom and a slightly bigger room with less guard presence. Green Badges are kept in rooms with anywhere between 2-4 people in a room based on their powers. There is a slightly heavier guard presence but nothing too severe. Blue Badges on the other hand are kept in tiny rooms by themselves. Their whole section is flooded with guards. The notes say there are at least two guards per each cell, maybe more." I could feel the tension in the room rise. I don't think people realized just how many guards might be here beforehand. Even what Pixis was describing was minimizing the number of guards Armin saw.

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