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Once we were right on top of them is where the real battle started. We couldn't barricade both sides of us not without missing some parts and risking some of us getting killed. We needed to fight because they weren't about to move out of our way now.

"Now?" Sasha asked from behind me as we took the last few steps to close the gap.

"Now," I whispered back.

We all stopped walking as Mikasa came face to face with them. One of them must have had a death wish. He decided that since the bullets wouldn't work that maybe punching her in the face would. When she didn't even move from the impact of the punch is when his face went white.

"That was awfully rude of you," I heard her whisper to him right before she returned the favor but rather than a punch to the face it was an elbow to the gut. Even the bulletproof vest couldn't block the blow that had him doubled over in pain dry heaving.

"I will be nice and give you guys one more chance to get out of our way, but if you refuse then just know we will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to get past you safely, even if that means killing you." Her tone was cold and I could tell she really didn't want to ask again, but with whatever cameras are on us we have to show that we gave every warning, every possible chance to let them walk away unharmed. Whether they listened to them or not wasn't our problem.

Looking around a few more people seemed unsure of standing their ground but no one budged. I decided to try and talk. Maybe now they will listen. "Please think this through, you are outmatched, if you leave now we won't have to hurt you," I said looking around.

"If you're worried about your fellow soldiers shooting you we will protect you until you get out of their way, please just think about this. We don't want to hurt anyone if we don't have to. Peer pressure isn't a reason to put your lives on the line," Levi said next to me. I'm assuming he was reading some of their thoughts. "You don't have to do or say anything, just think it, I will hear you."

I watched as Levi waved down Pixis and pointed at 3 different people, "they want out," he said and Pixis put force fields around them.

"Walk with the force fields," Pixis said as they walked off to the side of our barricade. We waited until they were out of the line of fire; only two of them had guns. Pixis took his force field off of them but we made sure we were still barricaded on the side they were standing. We had them put the guns on the floor before we fully lowered the barricade near them. Once they were on the floor Erwin portaled them away.

"Now I suggest getting out of here," Alastair said motioning for them to go. "It might get messy." One of them turned to walk without any hesitation. Without looking back they walked away. The other two seemed hesitant but followed the first one's lead.

This most definitely won't happen the farther in we go. I think the only reason we got these people to turn away is because they were rookies, they weren't as brainwashed and determined as the rest of the people we will be facing today.

"Now that we got that taken care of," Mikasa said looking around, "where were we?"

"Go now," I whispered to Sasha. I watched as a bunch of doubles appeared and started jumping the barrier. They instantly started shooting at her doubles, not that it did any real harm. Once they realized they stopped wasting their bullets. Sasha's doubles instantly started trying to disarm as many as they could. Connie vanished before our eyes once he realized he should be helping. The only sign he was there were that guns were in people's hands one second and gone the next.

"How can I help?" Petra asked, walking up to me, "I can't fight, but I can do something," she said looking at me.

"Could you liquify their guns from behind here?" I asked. She gave me a determined nod and then got to work. I watched as Hanji took a deep breath and then started using her vines to try and rip weapons away from them. Mikasa was just walking up and either ripping the guns out of people's hands, or she would just bend the barrel and make them unusable. Annie jumped the barrier her skin crystallized and she started fighting the guns out of their hands.

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