Chapter 46

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Miyuki's pov

Since it had taken some time for me to heal, Mom and Itsuki would literally hover over me every four minutes to see if I needed anything. It became annoying by the third week, but I couldn't do anything about it since the doctor had put me on bed rest. Luckily, I only had one week left of bed rest to deal with. Meanwhile, Deku had been training nonstop since the end of the semester was approaching. He would often come hang out with me after his workouts, so I was kept company for most of the time I was in bed. Today, I had gotten a group text which had included Tsuyu, Momo, Jiro, Sue and Uraraka. They were planning to come over here and shower me with all sorts of stuff, since I was bed ridden. "So, what's the plan for today since you're still bed ridden?" Deku asked, looking over to me. He had explained that he was going to the pool with Denki and the others, so Itsuki apparently was going with him. "Apparently, Sue planned something for me to do. She invited Momo, Jiro, Tsuyu and Uraraka to come here. So I'm not exactly sure what she has planned for me." I explained as Deku grabbed his stuff, "By the way, if you see Todoroki can you give this to him?" I held out a small gift box, "What's it for?" He asked, taking the box from me and put it in his bag. "Something.. I don't exactly want to tell you." I smirked, making him look at me with a curious gaze. "Alright.. I won't ask.. I'll give it to him." He said, placing his bag on his back. "Maybe, I'll get him to tell me what it is." He smirked, walking away from my bed. "Don't you dare!! I will murder you in your sleep if you look at his present." I threatened, "How? You're strictly on bed rest." He turned to face me, "Why you!!" I threw one of my small pillows at him, but it missed and hit the door as he walked out. "I will get you Izuku Midoriya!!" I shouted and from outside my door, I heard him laugh. My door opened and Mom walked in with a plate of food, "Was he just teasing you?" Mom asked, giving me a look. "Maybe...." My eyes lit up when they landed on the food, she had sitting on the plate. "Here, I know your appetite has grown since you were in the hospital so I made you some waffles, since I know you love them." She placed the stand up tray on my bed, making me smile. "Thanks Mom, you really didn't have too." I said, looking over at her. "It was no problem.. Now, what's your plan for today?" She asked, placing my plate in front of me. "Sue invited Uraraka, Tsuyu, Momo and Jiro over here. Apparently she wants to spoil me with stuff, since I'm bed ridden. Is that alright?" I looked up at her, seeing a big smile run across her lips and I knew she was happy. "Yeah, that's fine. I think it's sweet of her to do that."


It didn't take that long for Uraraka, Sue, Momo, Tsuyu and Jiro to show up at our place. Sue led them to my room and when my door opened, I looked up from my phone to see that they were holding bags full of stuff. It made me curious as to what in the world Sue had planned, since she knew that I got bored easily. The first thing Sue had planned was for us to watch my favorite movie, to which she also brought all of my favorite snacks. I could tell that Tsuyu and Uraraka were really into the movie, by the look in their eyes and it was funny to see.  The next thing we had done was arts and crafts, which was hilarious seeing as Sue has no talent for art. Jiro and I kept making fun of the art she made, which annoyed her but she laughed along with us. "So.." Sue started, giving me a weird look. "What are you going to ask me about?" I didn't look at over at Sue, knowing that if I had she would make things a little hectic.
"So you and Todoroki, huh?" My cheeks immediately became a light shade of pink, as I stared at my hands.

"What?! I thought that was just a joke!" Jiro shouted, looking over at us. "Nope, Todoroki and her are the real deal. I knew this would happen." I looked over at Sue, scrunching my eyebrows in confusion. "How did you? I never told you that I liked Todoroki." I said, shaking my head.

"Hehe, well, I could tell just by the way you looked at him. Every time you were around him, your eyes would light up. So of course, with my awesome deduction skills, I knew that you liked him." Sue bragged, "So when was the first kiss?" Tsuyu asked, making me gape at her.


"What? I want to know."

"Me too."

"Me three!"

"Yeah, when did you two kiss? And who made the first move? Was it you or was it him?"


"Oh, come on, Miyu... It's just us girls here. You shouldn't be afraid to tell us anything." Jiro said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Fine.. I'll tell you." This made all the girls, except Jiro squeal loudly making me cringe at how loud they were. "So.. Tell us.." Momo pressed, making me sigh.

"Remember that day at school, before final exams started and Momona came over to the table to pick on us?"

"Yeah, I remember that. You set your napkin fire and Todoroki had to put it out. Then you froze half the table, cause you couldn't control your anger." Uraraka nodded, "Well, I asked Todoroki to come over for a tutoring session since I needed help studying for the written test." I explained, "Wait.... Don't tell me!" Momo smiled, "You guys kissed during the study session?!" Jiro shouted, her eyes widening a bit.

"Yeah.. But he wasn't the one who kissed me first... He was comforting me because I was worried about Night wave and what he had done to Sue.. And he cheered me up. I don't know what overcame me, but I kissed him first. I pulled away, embarrassed at what I had just done and he kissed me back." Uraraka, Momo and Sue let out a loud squeal all wrapping me in a hug, making me shout in panic as I fell back into my pillows while Jiro and Tsuyu sat there with a shocked look on their face.

"Ahh!! I never knew you would be this bold!!!" Sue squealed, "I'm so proud of you!! You took a big step!!" Momo shouted, "Who knew you would make the first move?!" Uraraka laughed, making me sigh. They continued bombarding me with questions, which annoyed me to the point where I set my art on fire. The girls panicked but Jiro put it out and for the rest of the time we had, they couldn't leave me alone about my relationship with Todoroki.

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